It interprets acts of a different way: it reads a program written in a high-level language instruction to instruction and, for each of them, it carries out a translation to the instructions of equivalent code of machine it executes and them immediately. There is no a separated process of translation completely of the one of execution. Whenever we executed the program with an interpreter, the process of translation and execution is repeated, since both are simultaneous. 1,4 Definition the Programming Oriented to Objetos (POO) can be defined as a programming style that uses objects like essential blocks of construction. One is based on the use of: objects, messages, methods and classes. Objects: it is software that is used to construct more complex programs. Class: she is one structures defined that includes as much data types (real, whole, chains, character) like functions (methods).
In this a class is transformed, that is and so it works in the POO: Class = attributes + methods 1,5 Object-oriented analysis Is quite simple, the unique thing that there is to do is to analyze the statement and to remove the data that are going away to use to solve the problem (attributes), and the calculations or the processes there took that us to the results (methods). Name of the class Attributes Methods Attributes: They describe the characteristics of the objects: type of access (private, prote’ge’, public) and data type (whole, real, boolean) Methods: They describe what can make the class; that is to say, the method defines the instructions necessary to realise a specific process or task. The definition of the method is made up of type of access, type of return, names of the method, parameter, it requires if them, and the body of the method. The types of access are used to control the visibility of the members of a class, which can be mentioned: Public: They are accessible from any part of the program. Prevailed: They are accessible only by the methods that belong to the class. Prote’ge’s: They are used only with the inheritance; they are accessible by the methods of the class bases and by the methods of the derived classes. In this tutorial so far we will not include the inheritance.