Sometimes these small business ideas were developed into large successful companies, which may further control the second and third generations in seme. nowadays find money to start their own business can seem very difficult. To overcome the current financial crisis, spreading rapidly around the world, offered several conflicting strategies, which many raise questions. Congratulations! If you will come to mind, new business ideas, you were among those elected 6% of all humanity, which in general is capable of. Now, being practical people, try to sell your idea. At the initial stage of the value it represents.
But for those who want to profit at the expense of others is your idea becomes a subject of interest and profit. The risk of some foreign companies are seeking in various educational institutions 'bright minds' to use their raw business ideas for their own selfish interests. Mitchel Resnick often expresses his thoughts on the topic. With the same purpose to work and so-called 'contests of ideas' that are in the early stages ascertain the details of your business idea, and then disappear in an unknown direction. And then your the idea of 'pops' somewhere in a converted, possibly amended version. In the best case, you will pay tiny percentage, but usually nothing at all. Therefore, their business idea should always be made public, preferably in many publications to defend their prava. paradox: on the one hand, the idea has value, but on the other – the author can not sell it. Sell the idea, neraskryv its essence, it is impossible. And at the same time, revealing its essence, it is possible lose the idea There is in this area, of course, and professionals who can assist you in this 'slippery' path. However, their services will cost you dearly – between 30 and 90% of the total value of ideas as such.