What can we see through telescopes of different diameters: 60-70 mm refractor, reflector 70-80 mm. * Double star with a separation greater than 2 "- Albireo, Mizar, and so on. * Faint stars up to 11,5 m. * Sunspots (only aperture filter). * The phases of Venus. * On Moon crater with a diameter of 8 km. * Polar caps and the sea on Mars during the great conflict.
* Belts on Jupiter, and under ideal conditions, the Great Red Spot (GRS), four satellites of Jupiter. * Rings of Saturn, the Cassini gap at different visibility conditions, pink zone on the disk of Saturn. * Uranus and Neptune in the form of stars. * Large ball (eg M13) and open clusters. * Almost all of the Messier Catalog objects with no detail in them. 80-90 mm refractor, reflector 100-120 mm catadioptric 90-125 mm. * Binary stars with separation of 1.5 'and more faint stars up to 12 eV. magnitude.
* The structure of sunspots, granulation and flaring of the field (only with the aperture filter). * Phase Mercury. * Lunar crater about 5 km. * Polar caps and the sea on Mars during the confrontation. * A few extra belts on Jupiter and the grs. The shadows of the moons of Jupiter in the disk of the planet. * Cassini gap in Saturn's rings and 4-5 satellites. * Uranus and Neptune as a small discs with no details on them. Dozens of globular clusters, the bright globular clusters will disintegrate into stardust on the edges.