Cottage building rapidly. Only six months ago, cleared area is now virtually built up by new, neat houses, country buildings and wooden houses made of logs and some are already living the happy settlers. Literally on the run, in parallel with the erection of cottages, develop infrastructure – supply of communications, asphalted roads, build shops, school, kindergarten. Future residents are not interested in rural life in the usual sense of the word. Accustomed to comfort, they want to live in comfort and in the cottage. Consistent trend of the times construction companies are doing everything to satisfy all customer requests.
Cottage community today – it's a town with developed infrastructure where there is everything from a centralized sewage system to the Internet. Modern man can not do without the amenities, but it to anything today, when the existing building technologies can completely provide comfort at no additional cost. Usually a place for cottage building is chosen a picturesque area in the immediate proximity to a major city. Distance from the city, in this case is crucial, because most people in the cottage settlement work in the city, in the case of a great distance from him will be forced to spend a lot of time on the road. Correlative distance from the city grows and the price of food in local stores, and fees of invited experts, and quality.
Therefore, the distance from the city is of great importance in choice of cottage village. Unsuited, located at random, at home do not look very aesthetically pleasing, whether every single house at least a piece of art. Together, these disparate and diverse, do not produce impressions. While the street, consisting of typical cottages, made in common style, looks neat, stylish and very effective (this is usually done by some design project). To create the proper aesthetic perception cottages do not have to resemble each other as twins. They should only have a common style and located in a uniform way. Classic green lawn in front of the house – a distinctive feature of the former cottage citizen. The gardens are gradually go into oblivion, giving way to sleek sophistication and well-groomed pretentiousness. Construction of houses and repair of turnkey any premises, apartments, offices.