There this, therefore, defined delimited, the substance of which I must clip a subject and, its service, to tack some consideraes. Of course avesso to the treatment of the violent substance, I discard soon since the question of the security guard in the campus of the USP. I prefer to keep well far of me any cogitao has taken that me to suspect of the infiltration of dealers in those private spaces to the reverberaes of the spirit. Another subject liminarmente is of cogitaes gutter of being the strategical presence of the Policy to patrol not random enemies. I want the cost all to save me it the dissabor of, in the course of the reflections, to be forced to recognize the necessity of ' ' pacificao' '. They remain two possible subjects that, for coherence, I had equally to discard. I mention the occupation to it of the building of the Reitoria and to the commentary that the Director expendeu regarding it.
For coherence, I say, because as much the occupation of the Reitoria, it says how much it of the Director has in common invasive nature of the violent acts. Both they are aggressive and retaliates trias. It happens that, if to discard these two remaining subjects, the article aborts. Or, worse still, the article falls in the common ditch of articles without subject. Happily time I give account of that the violence of the occupation, can be brightened up or same to deprive of characteristics itself, in case that let us lead the serious a speaks of the Director. With effect, the violence of the occupation loses force from the moment where if it perceives, as the Director denounces, its mechanical character.
Thus seen, the occupation, that if repeat automatically have twenty and five years, it leaves of being an alive act of hostile intelligence, leaves to configure articulated belligerent reply with the reality of the moment, to changed itself into one cacoete sazonal, or, if to prefer, in a species of ready, applicable frame to any landscape. Sight with this roupagem, the roupagem in the mechanical ways of being, the occupation, that before it seemed to reflect the flashings of a vibrant idea, assumes, suddenly, the rigid feio of one careta maquinal, virtually comic. If somebody doubts this baffling one metamorphosis, has the goodness to reread with me this law of Bergson: ' ' The attitudes, gestures and the movements of the human body are risveis, in the accurate measure where this body makes in them to think about simple mecnica.' ' But interesting of this the everything is that, to admit the occupation as subject of this article, I will have necessarily to admit also in the same functions says, it of the Director. Clearly! It says it of the Director, when disclosing the comicidade subsumida in cacoete of the occupation, it is placed service of the truth, and the truth still when it seems to retaliate, never will be violent