Brazilian Health

Exactly thus, in Brazil, continental country with more 5,560 cities, still has a long way to be covered so that it has a bigger distribution of the consultations in acupuntura in the public net of health services, therefore only 2% of the cities, in the year of 2007, had registered atendimentos in acupuntura in the SUS. Without a doubt, it has progressos in the world-wide situation of the PICs, for example, in the increment of the gotten information; in the fact of that 30% of the countries members already make use of national politics for PICs, as it is the case of Brazil, as well as of 65% of the countries already presenting legal procedures and of regulation. Great population contingent of developing countries or developed makes use of the PICs. 6 What it really worries is that, although the OMS to recognize that the acupuntura and the too much PICs could serve as main or complementary treatment for the most diverse patologias and that some studies have demonstrated that the same ones present a deep influence on the physical and emotional problems, beyond the low one cost of its applications, Brazil not yet applies with severity these practical in the SUS. They remain important, even so not insuperveis challenges, such as those relative ones to the massiva qualification of professionals, the magnifying of the joint with the strategy of Health of the Family, the constitution of attention nets, the development of monitoramento processes and evaluation, the improvement of the registers of services and the systems of information, with the necessary update of National Cadastro of Establishments of Sade (CNES), the magnifying of the cooperation processes horizontal line, as greater visualization and spreading of successful experiences, as well as deepening of the politics of insumos, form including homeopticos, fitoterpicos medicines, needles for acupuntura, beyondthe promotion to the research. .