Brazilian Health

Exactly thus, in Brazil, continental country with more 5,560 cities, still has a long way to be covered so that it has a bigger distribution of the consultations in acupuntura in the public net of health services, therefore only 2% of the cities, in the year of 2007, had registered atendimentos in acupuntura in the SUS. Without a doubt, it has progressos in the world-wide situation of the PICs, for example, in the increment of the gotten information; in the fact of that 30% of the countries members already make use of national politics for PICs, as it is the case of Brazil, as well as of 65% of the countries already presenting legal procedures and of regulation. Great population contingent of developing countries or developed makes use of the PICs. 6 What it really worries is that, although the OMS to recognize that the acupuntura and the too much PICs could serve as main or complementary treatment for the most diverse patologias and that some studies have demonstrated that the same ones present a deep influence on the physical and emotional problems, beyond the low one cost of its applications, Brazil not yet applies with severity these practical in the SUS. They remain important, even so not insuperveis challenges, such as those relative ones to the massiva qualification of professionals, the magnifying of the joint with the strategy of Health of the Family, the constitution of attention nets, the development of monitoramento processes and evaluation, the improvement of the registers of services and the systems of information, with the necessary update of National Cadastro of Establishments of Sade (CNES), the magnifying of the cooperation processes horizontal line, as greater visualization and spreading of successful experiences, as well as deepening of the politics of insumos, form including homeopticos, fitoterpicos medicines, needles for acupuntura, beyondthe promotion to the research. .


To establish relation with the patient who feels pain; to teach to the patient the reply of pain; to deal with other people who are in contact with the patient; to supply other sensorial impulses; to promote rest and relaxation; to use imagined analgesia; to diminish the harmful stimulatons; to use another professional aid; to remain with the patient; to explain that the source of harmful stimulatons was removed or diminished and to assist in assimilation of the experience with pain. The evaluations must carried through and registered systematically they can contribute for the improvement of the handling of the painful phenomenon. The use of standardized instruments to mensurar and to evaluate the characteristics of pain is strategies accomplishes for combat of this .7 In its Bud studies they confirm that the Nursing and the team of health need to carry through changes to work with people, respecting the cultural, local especificidades and the diversity. It still needs to search explanations, to understand, to interpret the diversity of manifestations regarding pain to elucidate the agreement of the focus and to influence the practical professional. 8 Nascimento and Kreling had analyzed the implantation of the evaluation of pain as fifth vital signal in a hospital school, through quantitative research with 188 technician and nurse aid. They had concluded that the inclusion of pain as fifth vital signal was accepted for the nursing professionals and had standed out necessity of the performance of the nurse in the supervision and treatment, beyond the readequao of the scale of mensurao of pain..


For many professionals it can seem ftil, but to play is important for the child and the team has of to be apt to understand and to enxergar this necessity creating half where it has the infantile accomplishment of tricks, bonds with other children and educational programs. The act to take care of must always go beyond the pathology, must is centered in the welfare of the child in general way, in all its necessities while children. A time that the child if relates with others, that it feels itself supported, that it plays, it without doubts will go to answer better to its treatments, therefore she moves away to its fears and its sadnesses, consequently the internment process if she becomes less traumatic. 4 the therapeutical toy is a structuralized toy child to alliviate its tensions to it, its ansiedades caused for any atypical experience for the age, must be used whenever the child will have difficulty in understanding or dealing with a difficult experience, or still to be prepared for invasive and or painful procedures. In such a way, it is had as norteador problem of the study: Which strategies stand out the benefits to use the toy therapeutical during the care of nursing to the hospitalized child? In this perspective, the objective of this article treats To promote strategies that stand out the benefits of if using the therapeutical toy during the care of nursing to the hospitalized child. It is justified accomplishment of this work for through the story of much mother not understanding because of if using the therapeutical toy as mechanism of intervention of nursing and some professionals of health to be unaware of its use and its benefits. It is had as expectation of contributions to guide health professionals and responsible for hospitalized minors how much the therapeutical toy is important in the process of internment in such a way for the professionals how much for the child. .

Nurse Technician

After the collection, the data statistical had been presented under the form of graphs and tables. The program Excel Office was used, later submitted and analyzed under the light of the literature that deals with the cited subject. 3 01 RESULTS and Graphical DISCURSES – Qualification of the professionals on GRSS. Ahead of presented data 61.54% of the nurses, 84.62% of the technician of nursing and 62.60% of the nurse aid they had never told to have received any qualification and 38.46% of the nurses, 15.38% of the technician of nursing and 17.40% of the nurse aid had answered that they had received qualification. The results show a low index of qualification of the professionals searched in GRSS.

For the ANVISA (2006), the qualification of the involved human resources in the handling of residues of health services constitutes an important stage in the implantation of the GRSS program, with the objective to minimize the production of residues and to provide, to the generated residues, a safe guiding. 38.46% 15.38% 17.40% 61.54% 84.62% 62.60% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Nurse Technician of nursing Nurse aid Not Yes 11 Graph 02 – periodic Qualification offered by the institution on the GRSS the graph-02 shows the high index of professionals whom they had told not to have received periodic qualification offered by the institution, represented for 84,62% of nurses, 92.31% of the technician of nursing and 82.60% of the nurse aid. While 15.38% of the nurses, 7.69% of the technician of nursing and 17.40% of the nurse aid had affirmed to have been able. Although the RDC n 33/2003 of the ANVISA to determine that the programs of qualification of the health institution must be part of the plan of management of residues of health services. All the involved staff in the management of the residues must be enabled in the occasion of its admission and be kept under continued education for the activities of handling of residues, including its responsibility with the personal hygiene, of the materials and environments, independent of I tie employment existing (GARCI’A; BRANCHES, 2004).

Manole Techniques

The artrocinemtica techniques must be used whenever the structures to articulate inert or you do not contract will be shortened; they can be used, with efficiency, in any point of the amplitude of movement and in any direction in which the movement will be restricted. In the horse-draw joint, to the measure that the mobilization techniques go being applied for the treatment of the movement restrictions, certain deformation in the fabric of the structures occurs capsulares or ligamentares. In case that the fabric is prolongated only in its elastic amplitude, permanent structural alterations will not occur. However, in case that this fabric is prolongated in its plastic amplitude, permanent structural alterations will occur. Therefore, the mobilization and the traction can be used to prolongate weaveeed and to break tacks.

However, they will have been used inadequately, they can damage fabrics and also cause entorses in joint. The techniques of treatment developed to improve the accessory movement are composed, generally, for slow movements of small amplitude, being that amplitude is long-distance that the joint is moved passively inside of its total amplitude. They use a short toggle arm to prolongate the ligaments and capsules to articulate, imposing little estresse on these structures and, consequently, they are of certain form safer of what the allonge techniques. System of gradual dosage for mobilization: Degree I – Rhythmic oscillations of small amplitude at the beginning of the amplitude are carried through to articulate. Degree II – Oscillations of great amplitude inside of the existing amplitude are carried through, not reaching the limit. Degree III – Rhythmic oscillations of great amplitude until the limit of existing mobility are carried through.

Degree IV – Rhythmic of small amplitude in the limit of existing mobility and forced oscillations in the tecidual resistance are carried through. TRACTION the traction or separation of the surfaces to articulate is a translatrico movement of recess of the joint, is carried through perpendicularly to the treatment plan. The traction can be used to diminish pain, to increase the mobility of the joint or to test movements accessory. Dosage: Degree I (flabby)? traction to articulate of small amplitude where the capsule is not overloaded. It equals the forces of muscular tension and atmospheric pressure that act on the joint. Degree II (tense)? traction in the surfaces to articulate sufficient to around pressure fabrics of the joint. Degree III (prolongated) – traction of the surfaces to articulate with a great amplitude the sufficient to promote the allonge in the capsule to articulate and neighboring structures periarticulares. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES KNUST, V. Emends of the lesson of manual therapy in the porting injuries. Course of After Graduation in Traumato-Ortopedia with emphasis in manual therapies integrated – University Catholic of Petrpolis, 2010. KISNER, Carolyn & COLBY, Lynn Allen. Therapeutical exercises – beddings and techniques.