THE METHOD OF THE STREET EDUCATOR. Professional East PROGRAMMING affects concrete realities within contexts and special scopes, being worth of methodologic tactics fit to each case in particular. Those realities can be: – Problems of drug addictions in young people. – Social Exclusion for reasons of race, economy, culture – scholastic Absenteeism, difficulty in the access to the culture, delinquency the intervention contexts are: – Streets, parks, corners and places. – Halls game, bars and places of meeting and youthful leisure. – Ocal and youthful Organizations, infantile centers the methodologic process are based on: – The implicit or explicit demand of its intervention at the request of people, groups, professionals, organizations of Social Services, schools, etc. – the standard and systematic observation to detect and to analyze the problems. – Identification of the needs that can need their intervention.
– The diagnosis of the demonstrated situation. It will have to know population and cultural, socioeconomic, labor, social the levels, etc. that corroborate their diagnosis. – The objectives that set out to improve the situation. – The election of the method, the suitable levels of intervention, strategies and precise resources to each reality. – The criteria for the evaluation (indicating, times, methods, resources). – The coordination that must settle down with other organizations, equipment, etc. that affect the same scope.
– The evaluation with the own work party. The Educator turns into educative objectives the order that to him the organization delegates for whom she operates and she does from a work party in which she feels integrated, using the means that she has to his reach and optimizing these as much as his own individual development, improving his competition in all the senses (capacities, qualities, attitudes, responsibilities, abilities, efficiency ). In this type of social work it has been improvised much, letting itself take by the activism to the detriment of the concretion of objectives and activities – programming, design and planning. It is not easy, after decades of implantation of the education of street, to need an own methodology for all the adressees, because the realities and the territories are different, as they are it as well the promotional organizations of the projects (Independent Communities, delegations, city councils, organizations without profit spirit, private sector). Therefore, it will be necessary to consider the personal options and the perspective of the inspiring institution In any case yes has to be clear: – The justification of the program. – The purpose that it persecutes. – The actions that will be carried out.