In ciberespao bows of cooperation between the individuals are produced, having been able to become a participativo environment, beyond constructive. These developed relations e, even though, in it intensified, constitute the result of the impact of the new technologies of communication in the social structure. Internet: beyond the virtual communities With the development of this new sociability, we see to emerge a new economy. It must be detached that the new economy does not say respect to the producing companies of the Internet, strict, but of that they function through it (CASTELS, 2000). What it comes happening is that the internal work, in its totality practically, the relations with customers and suppliers are if making for the net. For example, certain companies of civil construction have as center a website, where the users have access to the designers, constructors and architects. Thus, first the great transformation that the Internet comes implanting in the economy, is the change of the models company standards.
Beyond modifying the economy, the Internet has, today, deep relation with the social movements and politicians of the world. Independent of what they defend, they use the net as privileged form of action and organization. According to Castells (2000), the Internet is the organizativa structure and the instrument of communication that allows to the flexibility and the temporality of the social mobilization, keeping, however, at the same time, a character of coordination and a capacity of approach of this mobilization. It assumes the rank of new form of control and social mobilization, since it is the connection global-place. Soon, the joint of the projects, first, places happens through the global protests due the influence of the Internet in this way. However, the system politician still leaves to desire in what it says respect to the political parties had confused the Internet with a picture of announcements.