The result of the introduction of computer controlled heating supply was a significant reduction in power consumption: it is several times lower than existing standards. Control and accounting introduction of automatic solutions can significantly increase the level of control over the work of all the equipment at a particular facility. But owner-operators have to simultaneously monitor just outside the boiler dozens, hundreds of homes. And this "Shadowing" affects not only the state of engineering systems, but also many other options. And here we can also safely say that the man's work over time should machines. In some places already, and going on: this spring Novgorod has been presented comprehensive information system for monitoring (CMI) housing and communal services in the region.
Was created multiservice backbone network data, comprising 106 km fiber-optic cable is connected to 773 cameras, including 516 access, 199 stationary survey and 29 high-speed turning. In addition, we have established 29 units extra-service communications, implemented two pilot project "Intelligent House" and "Automatic resource accounting", created by the Situation Centre. Among the main goals and objectives kism – improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the emergency services; clock control over the content of trunk and intra-street and house areas, compliance with the schedule of domestic and export, etc. The establishment of such complex systems of control involves the use of modular principle: the possibility of such decisions over time can "step up" and increase by adding the appropriate options. Particularly promising modular "way" is seen on metering. Today there are dozens of different solutions in the field of water, electricity, heat consumption. "Dock" them all – a problem even for experienced organizations. Here comes to the rescue and the principle of modularity.
For example, this year appeared on the market monitoring system, combining different blocks of components in various combinations. Under this scheme, for example, operates domestic development "Everything is taken into account" (ITELMA content), which includes the elements of water, electricity and teploucheta for both houses, as well as for rent installation. Such solutions can, without any serious labor to add and delete modules – accounting devices, both own production as well as other manufacturers. Highways, equipment, records – "three pillars" modern housing. To upgrade them, we certainly can not solve all the accumulated problems of utility, but in any case, be able to ensure system efficiency, increase productivity and lower costs. and these freed resources can go to solve the remaining problems. Press office ooo grundfos "