European Portuguese

Joining? if to everything this acted in the direction of the desafricanizao of the Brazilian table, that until the first years of Independence is under bigger influence of Africa and the fruits indgenas.' ' (FREYRE). Click Nick Willing to learn more. Other words of the Portuguese said in Brazil also have African roots and many of them come of different peoples of the continent, as jej and nag, which said languages as fon and iorub. Words as ' ' acaraj' ' , ' ' gog' ' , ' ' jab' ' many others had started to be part of the vocabulary Brazilian and had been incorporated the culture. In general, one is about on names to the religion, the family, the tricks, to music and the daily life. An example is the word ' ' Bunda' ' , also of African and it was not for it, the Brazilian would have that to say ' ' ndegas' ' , that it is the Portuguese term for this part of the human body. In the same way, instead of ' ' cochilar' ' , &#039 could be said; ' dormitar' ' instead of ' ' caula' ' , a complicated word would be used well more: ' ' benjamim' '. The linguistic registers give test of that the language banta has a structure similar to the one of the Portuguese, whom had to the use of many vowels and nasal or opened syllables, as in the sounds of the word ' ' moleque' ' of ' ' gangorra' ' , where the skill? malemolente? , that is, to devagar and full of ginga of speaking facilitated to the integration between banto and the Portuguese. Today one uses as many African words that nor if it repairs in its origin. With this chapter, it was looked to show some elements that had been part of linguistic formation of the Portuguese currently said in Brazil, as well as proving, through historical facts, that the language not-standard, that has been for much time preconception victim, in the truth is a variety, a normal change that is evolutivo party to suit of the languages. As example, it has the huge influences suffered by the Portuguese caipira proceeding from the contact between adult, falantes slaves of other languages, also the European Portuguese. The intention is to contribute with the respect to the varieties, the tolerance to the different one, clarifying the reason of the existence of many African words that if it uses in the Portuguese until today.