Laws on security of the Information? Comparative Brazil to the Remaining portion of the Reginaldo World Kings of Santana, Yurie Mendona College of Administration and Businesses of Sergipe? Fanese Nucleus of After-Graduation and Extension? Npge Course of After-Graduation ' ' Broad Sensu' ' Specialization in Computer networks Abstract. The purpose of this article is to present the main Summary. The intention of this article is to present the main related norms the Security of the Information in comparative Brazil to the remaining portion of the world. 1.Introduo the advent of the Internet and its increasing evolution come changing the way of as the society if it communicates and it carries through its daily tasks. With the Internet, the man started to make since a basic consultation on a study subject starting to make electronic purchases, transactions, etc.
Parallel to the growth of the Internet the risks of imperfections, fake electronic, robberies and improper accesses the electronic systems grow, also, in numbers each time more supreendentes. He is as much that all the moment is announced that great corporations had its data? active princial of the companies? stolen for some hacker (personal that the systems without authorization have access) or in some cases it had its paralyzed systems, as example the sites Yahoo, Uol,, that had had its systems stopped for a period in February of 2000 (TecnoInfo 2004 – Rezende, Edmar.) Had to this new facetas and new threats that appeared in the Internet (world-wide net of computers) the world of the technology if it sees ahead of a new challenge, that is to take care of the three basic premises of the security of the information: the availability, integrity and confidencialidade (ISSO/IEC 17799:2005). To reach such premises some agencies had elaborated laws, norms prescribed the use of the users in the net so that the user executes its tasks in the net of safe form and whenever he needs.