Integral Education

The Program More Education, for being one politics of government, searchs to take care of the schools that present the IDEB Index of Development of Basic Education low the pupil in situation of risk of social vulnerability. However, the school has the social paper to integrate different to know, educative spaces, and to try to promote an education that estimates a learning for the life. OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE GENERAL: To analyze the Program More Education and its contributions in the pertaining to school resume and the learnings of the pupils. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES? To point out the integral education in the official speech and the pertaining to school resume; Potencializar learnings foreseen in the proposal of the Program More Education, strategies and avaliativos processes focused to enrich the regular pertaining to school resume; To focus which the contribution of the Program More specific Education for the learning of the pupil in relation to the knowledge, abilities and educative formation. To establish a communication between daily scientific knowledge and evidencing points that contribute in the education process learning.

METHODOLOGY The related work if presents with qualitative character that corresponds below to the traced stages, which involves contextualizadas analyses and interpretations that use of many instruments of research analyzes to mark out with buoys the knowledge. The metodolgico process is of application of questionnaires to the involved staff (oficineiros, pupils and tutor) in the perspective to foment its importance in the process of teach-learning of the pupils who participate of the program which is being searched. The purpose of the application of the questionnaires aimed at, to search aspects of the Integral Education in the Program More Education what the formation of educating says respect. The interviews made with oficineiros of the related program, that in accordance with its answers, had been able to clarify the importance of the carried through activities, focusing explored abilities of objective form that they contribute for a significant learning. FINAL CONSIDERAES The related research could on the basis of foment a series of referring concepts to the question of the integral education the Program More Education. From the quarrels and acquisition of the information, we conclude that to offer an education of integral regimen to being educated it makes with that the same it can acquire a knowledge that results in its cognitivo development, personal and to be an operating citizen for the transformation of the society where lives. The integral education in the context of the pertaining to school resume, in accordance with our process of analysis, must contribute to extend the times and the spaces of formation of the children in one perspective of that the access to the public education is contemplated thus they all have permanence in the school during the day aiming at one better learning.