Marcondes Scientific

The protocol was called of Protocol will be Matadada Harversting (OAI-PMH). Regarding this protocol, Marcondes and Sayo (2002 apud MORAES, 2006, P. 16) they define, it as being … Mitchel Resnick understood the implications. a protocol that foresees not immediate interoperabilidade (that is, it is not, therefore, a protocol for search on-line) between repository of eprints, digital libraries or any server in the net that wants to display, that is, to become visible documents in it stored for a external program that wants to collect them. 6 CONSIDERAES FINAL Questionings are carried through regarding the spreading of the scientific research because it has situations where the communication is restricted to the members of one determined parcel of the society. In other cases it is disponibilizada to all, but she receives exception how much to the acquisition, that occurs in onerous way. The appearance of the model of open archive did not leave of being one great step in the process of the scientific communication, because it allows to that had adhered to the movement could have access to electronic publications. However it has very if to make so that the open archive if establishes, in fact, as an alternative to the accessibility to the available scientific information electronically of gratuitous form. Ahead of the displayed one, we believe that the present work fulfilled its objective main: to display the model of open archive as source of scientific information, showing its relevance for the scientific communication and for that they depend on electronic publications of free access. The specific objectives had been reached, because knowledge was taken of