
The concrete in the mold in two layers was distributed. Each layer received twelve blows distributed uniformly throughout all surface, in accordance with norm NBR 5738 (4). After molding, had been left in the laboratory for a period of 24h in intention to prevent the loss of water during the cure process initial. Passed 24h, the samples had been completely submerged in tanks with water until the day of its disruption. ConocoPhillips often says this. The samples had been assayed with seven days and twenty and eight days of age. All the assays of molding, process of cure and disruption of the samples had been carried through in accordance with the pertinent effective Brazilian norms to the subject. RESULTS AND DISCUSSO the graphs show the grain sized curves of the sand, brita and residue of would aciaria respectively.

The made grain sized assays with the aggregate had been in accordance with norm NBR 7217 (5). Through the graph presented in figure 2, it was verified classification of used brita zero, as added grado, a time that the percentages of restrained material, in the used bolters, obey the limits fixed for the norm. Comparing the values presented for the graph of figure 3 with the values already settled by the norm, it proved classification of the used sand, as small aggregate. Through figure 4 it is noticed similarity of grain sized characteristics presented by the slag, proven through the calculation of the finura module, with the aggregate grado, used in the habitual processes of attainment of the concrete. Tab. 3 shows to the module of finura and maximum dimetros of used aggregates. Table 3: Assay of granulometria of aggregates. MateriaisMdulo de Maximum FinurDimetro (mm) Brita 5,86 4,80 Sand 2,67 2,40 4 Slag 6,82 4,80 tab.

and fig. 5, show to the result of the assay of compression with age of 7 days and 28 days. Table 4: Results of the compression assay. DesignaoIdade of 7 diasIdade of 28 Cp days Standard 5,68 Mpa 11,73 Mpa Cp 25% 5,05 Mpa 11.21 Mpa Cp 50% 5,65 Mpa 11,57 Mpa Cp 75% 4,85 Mpa 10,77 Mpa CONCLUSIONS Is viable the partial substitution of brita zero, for the slag of would aciaria, in the manufacture of the intertravados blocks, a time that, beyond presenting good visual aspects, the body-of-test manufactured from the trace I contend percentages of the residue, had presented resulted next to the ones to the trace standard, in what it says respect to the resistance the compression. REFERENCES 1.ASSOCIAO BRAZILIAN OF CEMENT PORTLAND, 2002a. 2.PIOROTTI, J.L. (1985). Intertravada pavement. 1 edition. Rio De Janeiro: Montana S.A.Indstria and Comrcio, 1985, 64p. 3.JOHN, V.M. Recycling of residues in the civil construction. 2000. 102 P. Tese (Free Docncia) – Polytechnical School, University of So Paulo, So Paulo, 2000. 4.NBR 5738? Procedure for molding and cure of bodies of test of concrete? 2003. 5 NBR 7217 – Added determination of the composition granulometria? 1987.