The concrete forest wakes up in each one of us nostalgia, the ancestral homesickness of the weeds. Today we are all ecologists, we want to preserve or, exactly, to reestablish what it was destroyed. We want the clean rivers, the verdejantes fields, mountains without displayed land. But, back in the hinterland which is the conscience of caipira? Of any form, it would not change to the modern life and its badulaques for the primitive and romantic existence of the age of the splintery rock. The human animal played of God and constructed another world stops in it living. we are product of this.
But he would like to fight this dichotomy, this opposition between the natural life and the life in a great metropolis. Why he would need to open one hand to hug to another one? I could go for the forest carrying a portable computer, one digital photographic machine, clothes special to face the extreme humidity, a refrigerator, an oven of microwaves and things such, of we cannot more open hand. In the past, the forest fulled in them of fear but we knew to survive in it. Today, a great chaotic city fulls in them of fear but we know to survive in it. We were threatened by animal predators and peonhentos reptiles and now we run the risk of being assaulted, of being whitened by lost bullets, being run over by one I propagate mismanaged. The important one and that ninety and nine percent of us survives. The human being changes the nature but the nature teima in continuing taking account of it. We modify the molecule combinations, the properties of the substance, the uses of the land, the functions of the nature, but we do not obtain to surpass the most elementary laws of the life.