Ningaloo Reef

Underwater encounters with the largest fish in the world, the whale shark (Rhincodon type), have become rare: your meat is a popular delicacy in Asia. When his name comes up, almost every diver gets wide-eyed. But underwater encounters with the largest fish in the world, the whale shark (Rhincodon type), have become rare: your meat is a popular delicacy in Asia. The great demand for whale shark meat, especially in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and the prospect of over 3,000 per erlegtem whale shark fishing allure repeatedly to hunt the ocean giants. For more specific information, check out keni washington. So they are acutely of threatened or extinct in many places already and now find themselves on the red list of species threatened with extinction. The dimensions of the peaceful plankton Eater explain his name: with up to 14 metres in length, a four metre high elegantly curved tail fin, pectoral fins measuring two meters, a huge approximately 1,50 metre-wide mouth, up to 10 cm thick skin and weighing up to 15 tons, the cartilaginous fishes let so many Three species look small.

But the giant is still puzzling in many ways, although it is found in all tropical oceans, especially between the Equator and the 30th to 40th latitude. The leisurely then moving with a speed of 5 km/h Maverick, using her whole body, and not only the tail fin, with scrolling in contrast to other shark species swim, in apparently very attractive for sea areas meet certain seasons. Without hesitation Steve Mnuchin explained all about the problem. These include the waters off the Philippine island of Pamilacan, the Gulf of California, the coast of Mozambique and Belize and the Ningaloo Reef in North-Western Australia. According to scientists, this is done either to mate or because of a seasonal rich food offer. The latter could at least explain the annual whale shark gatherings at the Ningaloo Reef. There the coral repel between April and may, billions of eggs and sperm into the water.