Action integrated Beyond the work of digital communication, the action was strengthened with the promotion ' ' Tag Hits' ' , that it allowed to the exchange of rings and covers of bottle for the Tags calls, small metal plates as ornament glue of neck. Some of them gave right to one ipod. An advertising campaign in the media also divulged the action and a thematic packing was adopted in the cooling ones. ' ' It was the first time that we obtain to carry through a consistent work, not only in the integration strategy, as well as in mensurao of resultados' ' , Adriana comments. good results, by the way.
Coca-Cola registered record of access to its site. They had been almost 1,5 million of visits in the May month, month of the presentation of the Pitty pair and Negra I read, video that was lowered about 700 a thousand times. The canal in the YouTube, alone, registered 30 more than a thousand views. For the site of videos and the diverse communities of the Orkut, Coca-Cola could monitor the impressions and opinions that the public vine having of the action. According to Adriana, the campaign reached 21 million only visitors, what it corresponds to about 64% of internautas Brazilian. ' ' The people always wait something very great innovative of Coca-Cola.
We are speaking of a music program, that passed in MTV and had unfolding in the Internet. We understand that in action as these we do not compete with other marks of cooling and yes with other medias, as cellular and the proper Internet' ' , the Manager of Marketing says. The waited result was to stimulate the daily consumption of Coca-Cola enters its consumers. E, for this, the company sees the public young as ideal, since they are in formation phase, being more difficult to reach a similar success in an action for adults.