Page Information

This inheritance of access permissions consists below demonstrated in summary in figure 2. Figure 2: structure of the inheritance of permissions of electronic handbook 3,2 System the main pages of the archetype of Electronic Handbook system of Patients for implantation in the Tocantins will have the following functionalities (2,3,4): Main page? place where all the users will have access to the system and will get information on its functionalities. In this page, access is had the information of research of the database of the registers of the patients. The information available they include, for example, the city of the Tocantins where if a bigger number of affection cases registered. That is, this page will also function as a news. Page of daily pay-I register in cadastre of data? in this page the administrative assistants of the diverse units of health of the State must only insert the personal datas of the patients, whom the data base of the system will feed. In it the information of the carried through medical procedures in the patients will not be launched, time that this will be of the ability of the health professional effected that it, either it doctor, nurse or technician in nursing. This restriction aims at to guarantee a bigger security and secrecy on the registers of the patients. Such aspects consist below demonstrated in the figure: Figure 3: archetype of page of daily pay-I register in cadastre of data Page of login? as this system will be had access by different types of users (patient, administrative, professional assistants of the area of the health and the administrator of the unit) will have identification of each one of these users by means of this page of login, place where the filtering of the permissions and restrictions will be made in order to guarantee to the system the following qualities: integrity, confidencialidade, availability and authentication.