The dream according to dictionary of the Portuguese language means: set of ideas, that if present to the spirit during sleep. It also means imagination unfounded; utopia; fancy; vision; dominant thought that we follow with passion or interest. The dream in summary nothing more is of the one idea that we feed. Arlin Adams addresses the importance of the matter here. In the dream we can see, imagine, think, walk. Credit: Salman Behbehani-2011. He has poor people that they dream being rich and vice turns and when they wake up are of the same skill who had slept, was simply a dream.
Even though the poor persons would like that dream was truth. The dream can taking in them to any place and to any time, it in them it brings tona our closer desires with rich images and occult meanings. He can also disclose the future of the people in its more diverse types. In the life we them human beings dream of two forms: the first one is that one that when we are sleeping and unconsciously we dream of some things to the good times and the bad times. Second he is when we are waked up and conscientiously we dream prosperidades, days better, wealth, a good job, a good marriage and etc. the difference enter the dream when we are sleeping and when we are waked up, it is that when we dream sleeping, we cannot decide what we want to dream e, we dream of what we want and we like or not, of good things or bad things.
when we dream waked up, we have the right and the choice to only dream them to me of what we want, that is; with everything what it is good for our lives in such a way for the gift as for our future. People exist who are full of dreams (Projects). They dream of the prosperity, with a good job, with a better life, to leave the rent, to buy its first car, and others to change what it has better for another one, current and possante, others already dream to and so on study, to make college, if form and to exert an income-producing and promising profession.