
1. Never add an extra portion of food in the fat / oil, unless there is a big need. 2. Cook vegetables for a couple – in boiling water lost their nutrients. Try not to exceed the cooking time.

3. Not add salt to the vegetables until they are ready. If the vegetables seem fresh, season them with spices when vegetables are already on the table – you will be more convenient to estimate the amount of cooked, so as not to overshoot the mark. 4. Whenever possible, Replace butter with olive containing monosaturaty (butter contains saturated harmful substances).

5. Use a spray nozzle, a spray of vegetable oil – so you do not exceed the desired portion, which inevitably happens when oil is poured straight from the bottle! 6. If you notice an excess of fat in the cooked product – just wipe with a paper towel or scrape with a knife. 7. Do not forget the grill! Food cooked on the grill, are much healthier than fried in butter. 8. Cook on grilevoy wire rack to drain off excess fat in the pan. 9. Fry foods quickly stir them – a fast and healthy method of cooking. Constantly stirring the ingredients, so you provide them with uniform . Saute over medium heat, with a small amount of vegetable oil. 10. Boil the fish in milk or in a broth of wine, or cook her for a couple – this low-calorie method retains all the nutrients and flavor.