Rudolf Von Ihering

At the beginning of the workmanship, Ihering starts to exaltar the value of the fight and the right, being expressed that ' ' the end of the right is paz' ' , and ' ' the way for conseguiz it is luta' ' (P. 27). Showing that in the life of a country or simply an individual, it needs to fight to obtain its peace. ' ' The right is not a simple idea, is a force viva' ' (p.27). The force must be balanced with right, depending one on the other to obtain in the end, that waited. Frequently Xerox has said that publicly.

The work is something of supreme importance for the joy, has a division between them two, therefore when somebody harvest of coconuts of the joy, the other has that to be working, for example, used master and. These characteristics also reach the peace and the fight, therefore ' ' The peace without fight and the joy without work belong to the times of the paradise; in history, these benefits alone appear as product of a persistent effort and exaustivo.' ' (p.28) it is known that the right word is used in two distinct meanings the objective and the subjective one. The right, in felt objective, it understands the legal principles manipulated by the State, that is, the legal order of the life. The right, in the subjective direction, represents the concrete performance of the abstract norm, of that a college results specifies of definitive person. (p.29) Between these two directions, the right to make to be valid its real identity, to reach the peace and justice, is necessary to the fight. The author at certain moment shows to a contrary opinion to its agreement, bringing the difference of its way to think. ' ' This opinion, that can be assigned by the name of its more eminent representatives, as the theory of Savigny and Puchta, …