Elaine there in the city hall, that you decide. If you will not be able, so that I go to speak to you? – You leaving she is me confused! (more still) – Then, please, pass he can me with the Elaine DOCTOR? – Which the subject, gentleman? thus would cry out continues it subtle between moucos ears. However, exactly thus, knowing of the probable damage for the company-institution, great part of & ldquo; chefes& rdquo; they do not give to the due importance the essencialidade of the good filters. In case that more serious still it is when the filter has as head, some politician. Councilmen, mayors, members of the house of representatives. Soon after the closing of the ballot boxes, the elect one already considers & ldquo; empossado& rdquo; therefore already it counts on some assistant to make due & ldquo; filtragem& rdquo;. Generally people had helped who it if to choose.
Great part of them already does not need (for the time being) to catch children in the col, to smile for who does not like, to take coffee or cachaa with probable & ldquo; votes certos& rdquo;. This type of thing, only daqui the two years. How, Eloy, TWO years? Elections are of four in four years? But if it was elect mayor-councilman will go to more work for members of the house of representatives (federal and state) and governor, senators and president daqui the two years. In Brazil we have elections to each TWO years and, politician of DNA, she is not outside of election none. The elect politician, already has its there two or three filters, duly commissioners, for attendance to the voters of its base.
These filters they make possible and the impossible one so that the voters do not arrive at the elect one. For which reason they make this? To prevent that the elect one has that to say NOT and this he is marked in the voter. The assessor saying or then not delaying a solution indefinitely, will prevent the consuming of the elect one for the next election, that always will be able to allege that NOT WISE PERSON who the assessor had made (or not made) such or such thing, but, if elect now, will immediately go to proceed the solution waited for the voter. starts everything again. This for the politician is the slow and painful electoral decay. For the public institutions it is the main reason of the escrnio and the public disdain. For the private company it is the death. Eloy Ribeiro de Souza eloysouza@ eloysouza.com.br to twitter: @eloysouza Eloy Ribeiro de Souza, is formed in Business administration and after graduated Enterprise Management and Methodology of Superior Ensino, beyond diverse complementary courses in such a way in Brazil how much in the exterior. Palestrante, poliglota, with experience of more than 20 years in foreign commerce, what it made possible to it, the routine convivncia with many cultures, and, for consequncia, to know personal and professional positions that, today, are subjects of its lectures for all Brazil.