Page created by the hotelmanagement REDOCAMPO, allows you to look for servers to host your web site. This is an initiative to improve the flow of information with people who do not even know how to publish web pages. Recuarda to: the web hosting is divided into six types: free, shared, reseller, virtual servers, dedicated and co-locacion servers. Free Web hosting: free hosting is extremely limited when you compare it with housing payment. These services generally add advertising on the sites and have a space and limited traffic. Shared hosting (shared hosting): in this type of service clients in several sites are hosted on a single server, thanks to the configuration of the web server program. It is a very good alternative for small and medium-sized customers, is an economic service and has good performance. Image hosting: this type of hosting is offered to save your images on the internet, most of these services are free and the pages worth of advertising placed on his page to upload the image.
Reseller hosting (reseller): this hosting service is designed for large users or people who sell the Hosting service to other people. These packages have lots of space and domains available for each account. Virtual servers (VPS, Virtual Private Server): through the use of a virtual machine, the company offers the control of a computer apparently shared no. So multiple domains can be managed easily and economically, in addition to choosing the programs that run on the server. Why is the type of product recommended for design firms and web programming. Dedicated servers: dedicated server term refers to an advanced form of web hosting in which the client rent or buy a complete computer, and thus has complete control and responsibility to manage it.
The physical care of the machine and Internet connectivity is task of the hosting company, which usually have it in a data center. Placement (or housing): This service basically consists in selling or renting a footprint of a data center so that the customer put there your own computer. The company gives you the power and Internet connection, but the servant computer chooses it completely user (up to the hardware). Visit and find out from the ultimate in web hosting. Also the vast majority of the pages are free! The experience of web hosting that you expect for Vivre invites REDOCAMPO. Original author and source of the article.