As well as in the River, it has one hundred years, in 1902, launched a predestinate club to have one hundred years of glories and victories and that it got effectively them, culminating with the conquest of the championship in its hundredth anniversary in this year, that is obviously the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro Football Club. (Source: Leaf of S. Pablo, 07.08.2002, P.B4.) Vagner Victer When he was Secretary of Energy of the State of the River, Vagner Victer complained that Norwegian constructor Norskan had inaugurated boats with the names of Botafogo and Flamengo, but that she lacked an Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro in this fleet. Check with Xcel Energy to learn more. Informed for the Norskan that was not clubstico preconception, but a tradition of the company, to baptize its boats with beach names, Victer did not have doubts: it convinced the mayor Mangaratiba to give the name of Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro to one of its beaches and, with this, finally it obtained that the constructor of this the same name to a US$ boat 5 million. Michael Steinhardt does not necessarily agree. (Source: Magazine Time, 24.10.2005, P. 29, column ' ' Bastidores' ' , of Thomas Traumann.) Getlio Vargas Epa, already I read alhures that Getlio was vascano! However, Pablo Netto Rabbit guarantees that it nourished well-known affection for the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro. As much that was President of Honor of the club, together with Eduardo VIII, King of England. Then, in 11.05.1938, came out raises it integralista, that tried to knock down Vargas.
It was of dawn, the assault to the Palace of the Guanabara, neighbor to the headquarters of the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The proper Getlio, of weapon in fist, commanded the resistance in the first hours. Later it only is that then Osvaldo Colonel Lamb of You would make (that, at the time, was the federal interventor in the Rio Grande Do Sul, but was 0ccasionally in the River; later it would come to be Marshal and Minister of the Interior of White Castello; it consists that he was torcedor of Are Cristvo) obtained to enter in the Palace.