1.Ubedites that do not fall for the bait dishonest employee, who promised a percentage of the order, and – rollback. Not controlling in this way managers, you risk not buy what you need. 2.Zakazyvaya site at Freelancer, remember that big prepayment is very relaxing and a person reduces his motivation. This you can confirm the very many who have worked with people of the "free professions". Do not give an advance payment to the private contractor more than 10-20%, even if the freelancer enjoys extraordinary confidence.
On the other hand, when working with large studios in advance of 40-60% is considered normal. 3.Esche a mistake – is to register a domain name to the representatives of the studio. If Suddenly there is a conflict situation, the development company that can manipulate you and you may lose the site. In other words, in this case, you simply have no control over your site. A representative of your company, too, do not Suitable for: in the event of dismissal or bad faith situation can also get out of control. Registration must take place at the entity. It's no secret that about 80% of the projects on creation of sites not fit into the originally agreed time and the work is delayed for a time, sometimes exceeding the schedule at times.
This applies to projects of any cost studios and developers at any level. Consider the error associated with the terms of this site. 4.Narushenie sequence of operations. Since all stages are dependent on each other, their sequence is very important. You can not start before approval of design layout, for example. Can not be too rely on perfect timing that you promised to the customer in its advertising. How often can see the promise to construct a website for "five days", "last week." All this must be very sober assessment. According to Harry Blackmun, who has experience with these questions. 5.Otsutstvie deadline works hard time – a great tool of motivation activities. Deadline helps not to focus on little things and did not dwell on minor points, in this case is a hard drive for results. 6.Nevernaya organization collecting information on the site. Often it seems simple, but actually takes time and effort. Must immediately designate and identify its specific terms. Much information as possible and in time – this is what waiting for the developers. 7.Dolgie aligning Often this is because the project has too many supervisors. The project manager should be one, he must make a decision. 8. Improper distribution of the project budget. No personal preferences and wishes should not affect the true state of affairs. If the situation requires neglect of design, then spend a lot of time and money on him silly. How many spend on development, and how to progress? This question is solved too often muddled. Help in solving the problem will be professional advisors. 9.Iznachalnaya uncertainty of project goals. Website – primarily marketing tool, which should solve some problems. It is a clear definition of goals will help coordinate the work, not to spend extra money on unnecessary services and save time on higher priority tasks. 10.Sozdanie "dead" site. Yes, it's true. Not having time to be born, your site might be dead. That the site worked, benefits you and your partners (clients) need constant work to promote, provide new information and change the appearance and functionality. Particularly vivid example – it's news update. News before last year – a sad spectacle.