The need for small – and micro remote work stations has evolved rapidly the new remote work unit of ACOS 711 with TETRA-modem with the integration of distributed generation in the distribution networks and the related expansion of local network stations in recent years. The IDS GmbH, specialist for network management, control systems, automation, telecontrol and communication technology, ACOS now offers with the standardized remote work unit 711 a cost-optimized solution for network operators, who can use private TETRA radio networks to the process data. To achieve the generation facilities and local network stations, utilities have to rely on public networks. The incurred costs, as well as the discussion on the security and availability of communication in critical infrastructures have led however, that more and more utilities invest in building their own networks. These are largely based on TETRA standards and serve both for the voice – and data communication. The IDS GmbH expanded its remote work product line of ACOS 7 series with ACOS 711 to another unit with integrated TETRA modem specially for small and Kleinstanwendungen.
It is suitable in particular for the following areas and tasks: power management for EEG/CHP Anlagen(z.B. PV-, Wind-, Biogas-Anlagen, BHKW,..) Local network stations in electrical distribution networks, water / wastewater sector (valve stations, pump stations, tank) Verkehrsbetriebe (mast switch, switch heaters, infrastructure) measuring systems (level equipment, environmental stations, radiation measurements, weather stations) General remote working applications (goals, object protection,..) It is transmitted using the standard protocols IEC 60870-5-101 in the TETRA-SDS-mode. For the coupling of the ACOS 711 manufacturer any at command and control centers comes the TETRA gateway ACOS 750 used. The device can be configured easily for any applications and for use in TETRA networks. Also a vorparametriertes according to customer specifications, ready device can be supplied on request. The IDS GmbH is a company IDS group. IDS group holding GmbH, the IDS group is a specialist in IT and automation solutions for smart grid and smart metering is geared for the German and European market of supply and waste management, its innovative portfolio of products and services on all aspects of the technical operation of the network, geo-data-based information processing and the counter being. With more than 630 qualified employees in the fields of development, distribution, manufacturing, project management and administration, the IDS Group achieved consolidated sales of about 90 million in 2012.