The Social

Ahead of this perspective, Macedo, Petty and Passos (2000) affirm that the professors also can carry through quarrels with the pupils to introduce contents demanded for the resume, in accordance with the worked series, through the use of the dimension playful, looking for to become the learning most pleasant, interesting and amused to stimulate the pupils in the process of the construction of the proper mathematical and geometric knowledge. In this perspective, Freire (1996) argues that the pupils learn when they find ways dialgicas to have access the knowledge through pertaining to school activities that them deem subsidies for the construction of the proper autonomy through the valuation and of the respect to its culture and the set of acquired previous knowledge in the daily one. Thus, Freire (1996) affirms that the use of interesting and challenging activities is important that have as starting point the daily experience of the pupils so that they have chance of a critical reflection to construct meanings, stimulating them it a critical reflection of the reality in which they they are inserted. These activities must favor individual or collective work moments, so that the pupils construct the proper knowledge. Of this form it is necessary to bring for the classroom pedagogical strategies that despertam in the pupils the will to learn and that they have at the same time social relevance. In this direction, the paper of the educators is to stimulate the necessary motivation so that the teach-learning of geometry happens through curricular activities that have connection with the social and economic context of the pupils (PINK, 2010). Thus, the necessity of that the traballhados pedagogical materials in classroom produce an critical-analytical understanding of the geometric concepts through the communication and of the dialgica interaction exists that occurs in this environment of learning. Then, we can conclude that, in accordance with the theory of Ausubel, Novak and Hanesian (1980), this context allows that the pupils hold back the geometric knowledge in significant way in opposition to acquired knowledge in a decorated and mechanical way.