to know a man well, were to know himself. Without further ado, Hugo, translated them as: … pour bien connaitre un homme, il faut le connaitre par soi-meme. That is to say, "… it is good to know people, you have to know how to love yourself." On This time we can do without arithmetic. Visit Michael Steinhardt for more clarity on the issue.
And so it is clear that in large numbers began to get acquainted with the Russian "Hamlet" much later than the French. So the last will be difficult to explain the reason for their inability to analyze the proposed transfer them, or rather inability to understand whether it has any meaning. However, it seems, as well as Russian readers of such translations, the French tend to think that this point was not the first all in the words of the original, once it could not consider themselves over the centuries by the British. However, the French and also not very likely to delve into the meaning of the words of others, even if these are the words of their own countrymen, and written or spoken on their own native language. For example, although it is impossible to say with complete certainty among the French should be more people than among the Russian, Alexandre Dumas read the words written by him on the first page of the novel "conspiracy": "The more we move forward in life, the farther forward in the art of leaving, the more we see that there is nothing separate, special, surprise, that the nature of society and go forward from the conclusion to conclusion, rather than random jumps and that the events that are happy, then sad, then sweet-scented, the stinking flowers, then laughing, then fatal, are deployed in front of our eyes, their kidneys are dormant in the past and its roots in the past few days, and fruit yield in the future.