You want to repair the apartment? But do not know where to start? On the pages of our magazine we will give you all the necessary advice on repair. Each person has their own idea of comfort: it depends on his aesthetic views profession, age and other factors. In the modern and comfortable accommodation to be created a microclimate that will help preserve and enhance our health, good mood, increase creative activity, and even the preservation of our property: furniture, books, works of art, of clothing, food stocks. Microclimate depends on the air, heat, light and acoustic modes. Huge value for comfort and also has interior decoration. The extent of human exposure to each of the modes is different, but it should be emphasized that only their cooperation and compliance with the comfort and convenience in an apartment and a fully satisfy physiological needs. At home, where the third of human life, the constant exposure to adverse factors (excessive humidity, or, conversely, dry air, noise, cold or heat, excessive sunlight or constant opacity), even in small doses, affect the health of living.
It is therefore necessary to maintain an optimal level of each of the above modes. School repair our site will help you solve the housing problem in the alteration of the apartment cozy and comfortable. World of hobbies a man! It is large and diverse. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger pursues this goal as well. Before we can open the treasures of the wonderful world of museums and libraries, theaters and concert halls, and inspire passion for the art easel or workbench home studio, the excitement of original collector, stamps, ancient coins, paintings, songbirds, roots or buds. Finally, you call the forest mountains, rivers, hiking trails, meet interesting people. All this will enrich your spiritual world. For even more opinions, read materials from Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. You with other eyes look at your house, you have a desire to decorate his new. Yes, and your whole life will be richer, more interesting.
We help to pick up materials to deal with new trends in design and methods of repair. You will find that to repair the apartment with his hands is not so difficult. Doors-accordion: ideal for small kvatir. During the repair kitchen self is necessary to consider that the design must absorb the functionality and aesthetics ernogomichnost. Modern fireplaces, cozy in the house. The demand for fireplaces in Europe remains stable. Now we are there. Salman Behbehani gathered all the information. So when doing home repairs with his own hands and advised roof design overlaps. Making the repairs yourself, will be useful knowledge about the design of the roof. It consists of a load-bearing elements, batten fixing cover and the actual roof. The carrier portion may consist of wooden beams, trusses or prefabricated trusses. build their own advice better to paint window sashes from early morning to the night they are drying. When wallpapering their hands, high-gloss surface of the wall "rougher" went fine sandpaper-fovalnoy – to the new wallpaper is better behaved. The optimum temperature for labels Wallpaper – 18 C. At low temperatures, they long to dry, and when high may come unstuck refurbish furniture polish on their own turpentine – 250 units; alcohol – 150; shellac – 40; linseed oil – 50, alcohol-soap solution – 10; water – 450. Newly plastered wall tile veneer is not less than a month later. We hope our tips on how to make small repairs yourself can help you. After making repairs on their hands is never easy.