
In the morning I go to the market, purchasing products and disposable utensils. Then return home and start cooking. At this time, I receive calls, I give information about the menu and accept from people already specific orders – how much and what kind of food in a particular organization. In practice, it looks like. On the evening before I plan to menu, make roughly estimate. Usually I have in stock two kinds of main dishes and salads. I'm currently so serves about 40-50 people.

The number may change, plus – minus. I especially want to draw the attention of women. How we spend time at the stove free of charge, preparing delicacies for her family. This option can be combined, and thus at the same time you'll be doing the usual daily work on the preparation food for households with earning money, and quite decent money for housewives and without any knowledge as to become an entrepreneur. With so many people and served at these time costs of my net earnings on average of 500-600 rubles per day, per month it turns out, taking into account only the working days, about 12 thousand. Dear readers, if the kitchen is not causing your aversion, if you like and know how to cook, this option you could very well be the best solution or even an additional basic earnings. How long it takes me to this time? Much less than you might think at first glance.

Direct the preparation, ie cutting, hot processing, packaging and other trifles, takes 3 hours of pure time. It's a given that some work can be done in advance in the evening without paying a single specially allotted time, and do in parallel, so to speak – on the road. This can be otvarka potatoes, beets and other vegetables. You can also cook at night and some hot dishes – goulash, half-finished billet chops, etc. I note that the presence of I own the machine is not a prerequisite for employment in this business. Here's why. Once I drove the car, searched it for very long, for months. When found, it turned out it in a broken condition, which is Repair took another couple of months. But even in this 'horseless' time, I did not stop working. I agreed with his friend, who had a personal Lada, at the time of joint activities. I paid him 150 rubles per day for that it helped me to deliver meals. And while I still remained in the profits, well, a little smaller. He too was pleased, since at that time had no work and earnings that proved to be a good help. Although, if you take service a little more than people initially, then it will be covered transportation costs and profits will still be the same. Oh, I almost forgot, when I at one time had a lot of customers, they would not like to refuse, I hired myself assistant for 3 hours a day for such work as cleaning and slicing potatoes. Paid her $ 100 a day. And anyway, I received the net profit was high enough.


The net cost per worker increased by 0.5% over the previous year, reaching 30 in 2010. annual 541. Of that amount, about 375 are due to expenses related to the selection of staff among other things. Cost of seeing what it costs in total a worker to the company may not seem excessive but that if we look more carefully and calculate the final cost by all workers of a company the figure already impresses a little more. And depending on the sector this last datum will matter much more. Look in the hospitality sector, more specifically, at the catering job offers.

Since it is a sector that depends a lot on the seasons of the year, their need for engagements incredibly diverges from one month to another. During the holidays, summer, Easter, bridges the innkeepers need to hire much staff to cope with the increase in demand but only time that lasts this demand. After this short period of time no longer need good part of hired staff. That is why, in this sector in particular, necessary so matching engagements as barely there is time to adapt to the environment, to the needs of the contracting. Everything goes very fast and err when hiring can lead to the loss of hundreds of euros.

So things, proliferate companies selection in hospitality than with a large bag of applicants, resumes, they allow the contracting person refine on what you want, expand your options for success. They first provide security when hiring, which is very important. Who attends one of these companies know what you will find is reliable, it has few options of being wrong. And, second, thanks to the above will save money. You’ll save money because you won’t have a human resources department to succeed in hiring. The contracting person can do it herself with the advice of the company’s staff.

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