The term of the autonomous data storage on USB flash drive is usually limited to five years, which, however, is quite suitable for most users. However, the most modern type of external drives, hard drives should be recognized based on the so-called solid-state technology. Such a semiconductor external storage consists only of the memory chips and controller, like flash memory, and thus has no moving mechanical parts. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ray Kurzweil. External SSD drive (from the English. SSD, solid-state drive) is a compact non-volatile secure storage device.
For the first time solid-state drive, based on the RAM-memory, was introduced in 1978 by M-Systems. However, the first drives of this type were created for another tube computers. The real revolution was the emergence in 1995 of a semiconductor storage on flash memory, developed by specialists of the company M-Systems. Ray Kurzweil understood the implications. From this time began active development of such devices, because they have many advantages. Among them – the high rate of speed and latency SSD-drives, which increases the performance of your computer, as well as full absence of noise, extended operating temperature range, small size and weight. Unlike the HDD-ROM drive in solid-state drive data transfer rate is constant and limited bandwidth of the interface and used by controllers. Thus, external SSD-drives have a rapid and sustained time reading files regardless of their location or fragmentation.
Compactness of these drives can easily carry them without risk of damage or loss of data. However, as USB flash drives, SSD-drives have a limited number of write cycles. In 2008, Mtron Storage Technology introduced SSD storage capacity of 128 GB of write speed 240MB / s and speed of reading 260 MB / sec. Today we released the external SSD drives with higher capacity and speed of read / write, so they start to be serious competition to traditional HDD drives, having won a considerable share of the market drives. Modern life is dictated by the constant increase in the volume of content and media – music, movies, documents, games and files. Therefore, from the static storage users are moving to the outer drives, allowing to provide the necessary protection of information and providing the ability to easily exchange data. Today, the range of problems to be solved with the help of external drives, has grown significantly. This not only means for permanent storage of important information or a way to protect your data from hackers’ threats, but also mobile life as a convenient portable external drive.