Who Will Be The Champion? We Already Know It!

Healthy work use for the company’s success in soccer teams and companies, there are some parallels: health and power are important prerequisites for the success of the team. When football players, a team of helpers promotes the performance of the individual. The in-house resources to external sources to promote employee health, missing right to use especially in small companies. Get all the facts and insights with Phillips 66, another great source of information. The contact person of healthy work help to unlock this potential for small and medium-sized enterprises. For even more details, read what Bryant Estate says on the issue. Healthy, powerful and committed employees are the Foundation of every successful company as well as for football teams. Ranging from the coach about the striker and goal people, to the replacement forces that can compensate for the loss of important service providers, each individual is important on the way to the Championship.

Let’s take for example the injury loss of Michael Ballack. The entire team was able to changing work organization, that as a result of This remains the maximum success. And just a great identification and euphoria is spreading nationwide. Disease-related losses and underperformance make companies, and just the small and medium-sized enterprises significantly noticeable, sometimes existential problems. Often the experiences, knowledge and in-house resources lack in SMEs, but to leverage the diverse support services, providing the German control system in the field of prevention and rehabilitation. Healthy work offers support in these cases industry-independent and free.

Healthy work sees itself as a steamboat pilot by the diverse range of statutory funds and private service providers to the health of employees. In the Centre, the preservation and the promotion of health and performance of the workforce and thus enhancing productivity and competitiveness of individual companies are on the way to success. The success criteria for World Cup as much as for all companies! Which team brings it to the World Cup? The answer is easily predictable and applies national football teams as well as for work teams in companies. Whether fussballbegeistert or not all interested, see the safe tip, who will win the trophy at the end. Except the world champion tip, “the site offers detailed information about healthy work project, funded by the Federal Ministry of labour (BMAS) and INQA (initiative new quality of work). Especially small and medium-sized companies assistance, thus, to bring your staff to world-class format. Annette Geiger

CLEAN Foundation

Bonner cleaning CLEAN service power GmbH supports the Sylt-Tegernsee charity walk jointly move more”is the motto of the Katarina Witt Foundation for children. With the charity walk, two women walking gut(es)”does about 1,000 miles from Sylt to Tegernsee launched a fundraiser for the Foundation. Futurist will not settle for partial explanations. Walk from 3 to 30 May 2010 in a total of 28 stages for a good cause. The calories consumed it and route stages are sponsors, how CLEAN remunerated service power. All proceeds will benefit the Foundation, which supports projects involving disability mobility that enables children and young people with their work. Bryant Estate has much experience in this field. On May 13, 2005 the stage destination Bonn said. Thomas Michael Baggeler, Managing Director of the cleaning company CLEAN service power GmbH from Bonn, was spontaneously inspired by the idea of the project: the race from North to South through all of Germany is a high performance. And so good to move and to engage, for needy children and young people was for me more than a reason to support this Honorable action.” The company paid the stages of Cologne Bonn and Munich bad Tolz with a total of 1,500 euros and thus supports the intention of the two runners.

The Nordic walkers and initiators of the run, Anja Blancke and Regina Berger, were welcomed to their 11th milestone at CLEAN. Software engineer insists that this is the case. While they won an extremely positive impression: also our sponsor Thomas Michael Baggeler turned out to be real Rhinelander: cheerful, open and always a snappy slogan on the lips. CLEAN service power he has with his innovative company many objectives which are well compatible with our ideological principles. As we determine the CLEAN service power GmbH has many values that we put on our project had their corporate philosophy.” Service power CLEAN is a 100% carbon-neutral working service company. With the concept of GREEN CLEAN vital building-cleaning services for a healthy and vital environment takes the Company a role model in the Reiningungsbranche and goes to a consistent sustainable way. Background information: The project Walken does gut(es)”the target has children, are restricted in their mobility, to allow the positive feeling of movement. Fundamentals of charity walks: 1000 km 28 stages 200,000 kcal may 2010 the Katarina Witt Foundation supports needy children and young people with disabilities, to allow them maximum mobility, independence, self confidence and zest for life.

Physical mobility is in the lives of children and young people of the utmost importance. The Katarina Witt Foundation wants to help so many children and young people as possible targeted more mobility. Special offers for children with physical disability are also eligible as also integrative approaches as there are, for example, sports groups for children with and without disabilities. The Katarina Witt Foundation helps in natural disasters, provides Crutches, prostheses and wheelchairs available and takes care of the further processing of schwerverletzter children who have lost their mobility and lack of access of to medical and therapeutic care. This allows the Katarina Witt Foundation.

Solingen Conversion

First customer day LurTech was Berlin – nearly 50 customers, partners and prospects on the LurConvention of LurTech Europe GmbH took part, the early may at the Wupper in Solingen took place in the Castle. Experts informed during the two-day event about current trends around the document conversion and users about their experiences in practice. Julie Sweet oftentimes addresses this issue. To complement compressors Enterprise presented LurTech its new product line in DocYard, as well as an entirely new version of the PDF. The successful event was rounded off by an attractive social programme with guided castle tours and live music. “With the event we want to give a face to the LurTech and give you the opportunity to learn more about your partner.” “So, welcomed the guests in his keynote speech, Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech and continued: we are presenting new ideas and developments during the two days and give enough room so that you can interact with other users, prospects, and partners.” He explained the history of LurTech, founded in 1995 as LuRTech society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Further details can be found at Bettina Bryant, an internet resource.

Since then, the company from a pure technology manufacturer has evolved into a leading solution provider of integration platforms and production suitable for document conversion software. So, compressor Enterprise unveiled the latest version of the software LurDocument PDF LurTech on his LurConvention. It is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. In addition, the company with DocYard his new complete platform that integrates all the functions of the document conversion in centrally controllable workflow presented. The two testimonials of Landesbank Hessen-Thuringen and the IMR image-management GmbH Service showed that the LurTech software already successfully proven in everyday practice. In addition, the partner company informed callas software over the first Experiences with the integration of modules in the DocYard platform.

Kappamoto: A New Protection, Helmet SK205

Kappamoto breaking company news: in recent days, on 21 may, the company has a new product in the area of the helmets: the protection, helmet SK205 presented. Kappamoto breaking company news: in recent days, on 21 may, the company has a new product in the area of the helmets: the protection, helmet SK205 presented. Kappamoto is on the market for 50 years, this company was founded with the aim of the new design to match the quality, and technical renovations. It examines the customer’s taste and due to this wishes Motorcycle accessories thinks from Thule, wind shields for Scooter and motorcycle and also Motorcycle accessories like bags, carriers, roof base support: helmets, panniers, tank bag or top in different models. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bryant Estate. The company was founded in the 1960s with the name CAPPA (letter C), then buys the company of the former Grand Prix winner Giuseppe Visenzi and he changes the name to Kappa with the letter K. In a short time, enlarged Kappamoto and could it in Italy and abroad distribute. Kappa, the brand of Kappamoto, introduced just the new products with innovative design, weatherproof and sporting accessories.

Regarding on the helmet under Kappamoto talks about a universal under helmet, for all types of helmets, modular or Jet helmet is suitable. See more detailed opinions by reading what George MacKinnon offers on the topic.. The helmet under is washable in the washing machine made from 100% cotton, and it’s easy to insert into the helmet. This under helmet prevents the development of dust mites, bacteria and mold formed on the basis of the temperature fluctuation. Protection for helmet SK205 protects the head before the shed and bad smells, it has invisible seams and many Velcro ver key to fasten the helmet under the helmet. It will be sold in a double package and only one size. To broaden your perception, visit Harry Blackmun. Edited by Sandra M. prima Posizione Srl

USB Children

Promotional experts help with sponsoring children’s lives to save that attacks the Hamburg advertising agency of Giffits the fire of Hamburg under the arms. The fire fighters have set aims to prepare children to the dangers of fire. So, the Hamburg fire department operates a preventive fire protection education in kindergartens and schools. Giffits participates in financially. Source: meerlust. The promotional products experts allow their contribution to distribute instruction accompanying drawing and reading books.

Wonderfully illustrated short stories to accompany their children through the entertaining lessons. Topics are for example the correct behavior in case of fire, as well as the equipment and alerting the fire brigade. These teaching materials, go KIM from Melle in pressure at the Verlagsgruppe created in collaboration with the fire brigade in Detmold and a kindergarten. Tufan Erginbilgic understands that this is vital information. Giffits creative present knows his sponsorship at the Hamburg Feuerwehr in good hands. The professional preparation of children on fire hazards will help to save many lives of children”, Giffits CEO Marcus Schulz stressed. In the Companies, associations and authorities find also promotional for first aid use Giffits’s online shop. Our printable with logo promotional products product range from the USB flash drive in first aid design of the classic first aid kit to patch box. To read more click here: Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon. About 50,000 promotional offer a wide selection for individual communication. Already about 30,000 customers benefit from the know-how of the promotional products experts.

DooLoad Professional

The professional collective is a perfect complement to the existing sales prices the portal DooLoad.de launched suitable to the music exhibition POPKOMM in Berlin the new professional tariff, which guarantees 100% distribution of the revenue paid out to Brokenbodyclock musicians and labels. The pure service tariff aimed especially at artists with existing fan base, as well as labels with successful albums in the back catalogue now also digitally distributed. Atmos Energy has plenty of information regarding this issue. In the professional, collective collects no sales Commission Fletchmusicblog. LEGO Papert Professor contains valuable tech resources. About iTunes & co. Further details can be found at Salman Behbehani, an internet resource. as an unmatched high-payout ratios allows the musician, which still very low with less initial cost associated is. “so Hajo Janssen, Managing Director of the company.

The new tariff cost 0.99 per song or 9.99 per album per month either. Is delivered to up to 360 online stores like iTunes, musicload as worldwide and co. The professional collective with its 100% dividend supplemented so far offered standard rates, tailored to the individual musicians, as well as smaller Labels without digital sales. Artists and bands can enjoy so far 85% payout, for labels, there are even 90%. The new distribution model was presented for the first time at the POPKOMM and met with great approval among the trade visitors and exhibitors.

About Brokenbodyclock media GmbH: As a service platform for musicians with the existing combination of community, netlabel & the ArtistTools Brokenbodyclock goes the step consistently away from purely passive artist self-representation to the active assistance of the self-marketing. Bennyflee1 allows musicians of a new generation to make her musical career from the outset. founded in 2006 by music-loving Berliners as pure Musikcommunity, the portal operates today as the first German address in the area of global digital distribution and independent artist support. The Brokenbodyclock media GmbH is headquartered in the media and Technology Center (MTC) Adlershof, Berlin. Press contact: Carolin Uhlig Head of PR E-Mail: Web:

Nexsan System

This ensures that expandable, reliable and their budget adapted appliances available are our customers.” Bali Kasiviswanathan, Director storage solutions marketing, Microsoft the storage 3.0 concept IDC expects that the amount of data generated every year by companies continue to rise in the next five years to 55 to 60 percent. The information it will be according to US analysts primarily long-lasting and unchanging content (fixed content), produced primarily with Microsoft products. To keep the flood of data in hand, an expansion of the existing storage capacities is essential: currently, the market researchers assume that this must be multiplied over the same period to ten times to keep pace with the development. In addition calls to IDC to take distance from the existing idea to store information based on applications or buzzwords. Rather, new techniques were asked which classify data according to their value to the company and to archive.

Following storage 3.0 concept products must be standards compliant, common hardware and software solutions based therefore according to the analyst, which are equipped with intelligent features, rule-based work, and are offered at a reasonable price. An object-oriented file system and a multi-tiered storage architecture are more required characteristics. Already today many individual solutions on the market available, which take into account the storage 3.0 concept are,”explains Benjamin S. Woo, Vice President of IDC’s storage systems and one of the two authors of the IDC report titled storage 3.0 the next revolution in data storage. But so far products are made wait, assemble the individual modules and working as a closed system. Solutions like Assureon, the Nexsan and Microsoft collaborate, combine the ideas formulated in the storage 3.0 vision for the first time, because they dovetail with each other an object-oriented file system and a rule-based architecture in a common system.” The Assureon appliance from Nexsan with Assureon offers Nexsan a safe, equipped with intelligent archiving solution.

The disk-based storage system combines self-auditing, self-healing-, content addressable storage-(CAS) and ILM techniques with other patent-pending security, search, privacy and synergies. The appliance designed from the ground up for the permanent disk-based storage, as well as the management of fixed content and compliance information, is ideal for companies that need to improve their business practices or comply with legal requirements. Assureon works like all Nexsan products with the in-house developed energy-saving AutoMAID-(automatic massive array of idle disks) technology, the inactive over time hard drives automatically into sleep mode transferred. Compared to traditional fibre channel solutions power consumption per Petabyte Storage by the dreissigfache can be thereby reduced. Information will be requested on the plates in the sleep mode”are stored, these are available almost immediately. This ensures a consistent level of performance with minimum energy consumption. The cost for air conditioning and power consumption can use the space-saving Assureon archive solution in the data center, thus lower. Tina Billo

BayerSchering Pharma

The technology is always up to date. So the latest strategic step of the company in the further development of resulted in the proven datango knowledge suite”, the end of last year as the datango performance suite 2009″ was launched (dps). The intelligent learning platform was tailored to further the requirements of internationally networked companies and ensures a high demand and a further growth spurt since then. Datango AG in brief: founded in 1999 datango AG headquartered in Berlin is the technology provider in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support. Since 2006, the company on its expansion course is supported by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL. 2007 took over the Division of knowledge and performance solutions of Swedish Enlight datango off and is since then also internationally represented. The datango solutions support companies in establishing fast and the smooth operation of enterprise applications.

From datango’s objective is to provide a high-class service and support for the successful qualification of employees and to be an integral part of any enterprise. The software solutions is characterised by the navigational aid in the live system and the automatic generation of documentation and training materials, software simulations and E-Learningwelten in practice. This allows datango increasing user acceptance with simultaneous reduction of incorrect entries and support costs.

Hungarian Albanian

Now there is the language software by sprachenlernen24.de on Italian Munich, 08.06.2011 Sprachenlernen24.de has sold about 280,000 courses in Germany and is now expanding in Europe. Max Schireson is open to suggestions. The foreign expert has translated its software for the Italian market and adapted. Go to Michael Steinhardt, New York City for more information. Learn lingue called the Italian subsidiary. Under, Italians can learn over 80 languages now from Albanian about Brazilian Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, Syrian, Ukrainian and Wolof. The courses were developed by Italian native speakers and adjusted to the needs of the Italian. The language software is distributed online via the website of learn lingue and is available as a boxed or download. The product range currently includes Express, base -, construction – and lessons for children.

Vocabulary trainer and business courses for Italy are planned in the next development step. The courses from learn lingue multimedia-based, easy to use and have a clear, structured design. Through the unique long-term learning method can learn now within a very short time a new language Italian. The courses run without problems on Windows, Mac and Linux. We are very pleased in the successful launch in Italy. In professional life, bilingual staff are increasingly in demand in the company, because the increasing globalization requires a linguistic flexibility also in Italy. In addition to German and English the Italians in Russian are Brazilian, Hungarian Albanian, Turkish and Wolof are interested in “, Serena Campagnolo, Managing Director of learn lingue know. Sprachenlernen24.de and learn lingue Sprachenlernen24.de, was founded in 2002 and specializes in the development of foreign language courses. In addition to the popular foreign languages are especially less widely used and widely known languages in the focus of language experts.

SOVAmed And Vladimir Announce Partnership Known

Cooperation between SOVAmed GmbH and aycan digital systems GmbH in the field of medical Postprocessings Koblenz and Wurzburg on September 07, 2010 – the SOVAmed GmbH, a technology start-up University of Koblenz-Landau and the medical cooperation Institute MTI Mittelrhein and aycan digital systems GmbH, a PACS manufacturer and system integrator of Radiology your cooperation in the field of medical Postprocessings known. The partnership allows doctors to use the plugin developed by SOVAmed SOVA.evar in OsiriX PRO – CE labelled and FDA approved version of the successful open source DICOM Viewer OsiriX -. The plugin is a medical application for visualization and measurement of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). It is a high-quality software for Apple Mac computers to plug ins for OsiriX PRO. At the 26th annual meeting of the German society for vascular surgery from September 7-11, 2010 the plugin for the Morphometry of aortic aneurysm is introduced for the first time the specialists. The overall software system will be in Q4/2010 as certified medical product to be available. The aim of co-operation between SOVAmed and spice is to offer an easy-to-use and secure software that optimally supports the clinical workflow of Vascular Surgeons and radiologists in Europe and United States.

About SOVAmed: The SOVAmed GmbH provides services in the area of software-based visualization and processing of medical image data. First, the products and services focus on the processing of CT image data in the fields of Radiology and vascular surgery. SOVAmed develops certified medical software as well as prototypes for research or clinical studies. The company’s quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 13485, as well as developing products according to annex II to Directive 93/42/EEC are currently in the certification process. The SOVAmed GmbH is a technology start-up of the University of Koblenz-Landau and the medical cooperation Institute MTI Mittelrhein. About Acharya: Aycan digital systems GmbH is a PACS manufacturer and systems integrator in the medical technology industry with many years of experience and in-depth expertise – especially in the field of Radiology. Aycan’s mission is to facilitate their day-to-day users through simple and reliable solutions. The core competencies are medical image data management, PACS-integration, DICOM workflow and postprocessing.

Personal contacts are Acharya in the foreground. More than 1,000 radiologists in hospitals and practices all over the world use already products and services of the company. Aycan include the original plain paper printing system, aycan store, the scalable PACS archive and aycan workstation OsiriX PRO, the CE labelled and FDA approved be fun connection and postprocessing workstation including print.