Fire Curtain

I light the light, but the blackout remains. I rub the eyes, I feel in the shoulders the soft one of its hands it kisses, Me, it asks for and the suplication goes off for the emptiness of silence. At Viktor Mayer-Schönberger you will find additional information. From now it does not have words, dictate the gestures. Bryant Estate is often mentioned in discussions such as these. I see the white of its eyes, later I do not see more, the light, I need light, but it does not support it. I pursue its curves, however tenras, however gelatinous, it whispers any thing that blackout does not leave me to hear. Advance. Shrapnel kisses in my neck, leans the ruiva cabeleira in my chest.

I taste to feel smell it Acre of the sweat that washes its hair. I catch it of skill, I pinch the meats, I bite, it moans. I do not answer, also I do not cease the act. She is limp in the waist, the ndegas two puddings, I stop. It complains, stirs up to me. Although I understand that the blackout in me is fire curtain, incendeio, looser, on it.

The Apocalypse

It comes that waiting I am you. As soon as Luna disconnect the telephone ran to take a bath, was perfumed of sensuality, dressed a marine blue dress without handle and without-shame and undressed of the politically correct woman. That meeting of profane mouths a few days ago had moved with the structures of its personality. It did not delay very and caro was there, in the esquina of the danger with the illicit one, the wait of that exerted on it a power of inefvel glamour. With the eyes nailed in the retrovisor of the car it did not see the hour to see Luna to appear splendid with its languid and convidativos meneios to a trip to the place most recondite of the pleasures.

After long five minutes it fold the esquina and appears far in the mirror of the internal retrovisor exhaling of its perfume of sensuality. caro if delights when seeing it and quickly it despairs itself, left its angle of vision, it more than what fast the search in the external retrovisor of the right side of the car, and its eyes come back to smile with the mouth. There it comes voluptuosa arranging the marine blue dress. We go, but she does not go to happen nothing. It affirms Luna when entering in the car with a look contradicted that it.

caro laughs cynically it receives and it with a kiss in it I sing right of the lips capriciously maquiados. That afternoon, offered with a sky unprovided of clouds, testifies that clandestine meeting warmly as that bronzing the peripcias of a colorful friendship. The colloquy rolls untied to the sound of Nirvana. Between a march and another one, caro leaves the hand to escapulir and to float for the thighs of Luna. caro has little more than one hour and stocking to eat the apple and to swallow seventh of the orders. It still dirige at random when Luna at last suggests the Tahiti, the paradise of the love. There we will be safer. – How thus safer in the Tahiti? caro in jocoso tone questions. – We go to make to tremble that place. Luna with its black mood answers all. They arrive at the paradise of the love and find a line of three cars, were a thursday with face of day of the boyfriends. A Fiat I join lowered enters soon after them. caro, already with the naked chest and alone of bermuda shorts, calidamente goes spreading its digital for the sinuosas curves of that Amazon of sin. With an apple in the mouth and another one in the left hand, caro with the gasping breath is punished by the fear and flagranteado for the repentance of Luna that – humidified – leaves the despaired car more and despaired it is when to perceive that in the behind car he is its Barrabs husband folloied of a woman. caro runs to prevent the barraco and is catatnico when it sees inside of the Fiat joins lowered its folloied woman of a man married and younger than.

Finished Technician

With this one collects many armadillos, deer, hares and others. In the top of a tree they had found a jibia enormous. It was rolled in the twigs and it was not easy to remove it of there. She was necessary hooks, some men and rude force it stops to pull out it of there. Finished the service, then to follow they had found another one cobrinha. One cascavelzinha of more than a meter of size.

With this the situation was a little different. It is one mortal animal. A bite of the snake and the person can go to visit They are Peter more early. As it had person specialized in the group, the capture seemed to be more easy. In boat it had 7 soldiers of the body of firemen and a responsible zootecnista for capture of animals. A fireman came to help the technician and the others had been there for the deep one of boat for for precaution. They had obtained to lasso the snake and to hold it with the hook.

Thus canine tooth technician caught it with the hand and he unfastened it of the tree. After that two they had been remanejando it with the pole until the mouth of the bag where it would be imprisoned. As it was much great weighed, the task was extremely difficult. It was thus until they had obtained to play it together of mouth of the bag. Finding the technician who it it would go to fall inside of the bag, it opened the ring of hook and it fell exempt inside of the boat and not in the bag. It was the question of it charges to fall in the boat the 7 soldiers to fall in the water. The technician only was in the boat, thus exactly in one tip of the boat the snake in the other tip. What to make now? That soldier would come back to the boat? For the time being none, at least while whose he was there waiting he stops to give one picadinha. Not having another exit, the technician, with a special pole, another side finished playing the snake in the water it boat. The welded braves had returned its ranks from defenders, while cobrinha left swimming route to any dry part. If the soldiers had been behind the peonhenta, nobody were knowing.