President Hugo Chavez

In the case of Ecuador and Venezuela spoke of oil and agricultural products. Very interesting in the statement that presents the BBC.Mundo, when he says what he says Adolfo Taylhardart that there is an economic factor in the association of Ecuador, but that has nothing to do with trade. "The ALBA is the club of 'throw me something', of countries that are waiting for (the president of Venezuela) to support them with money, projects, airplanes, etc." who also pointed out Venezuelan ambassador in several countries between the 60s and 90s. In return Venezuela win the support of those nations change policies promoted by President Hugo Chavez, under the title "XXI century socialism." Also from the official perspective, the Venezuelan political analyst Alberto Aranguibel entered those findings in a current called the "predictors of the past that are against social justice policy promoted by President Hugo Chavez." "It is false that this is the product of an oil checkbook. More information is housed here: Dirk Kuyt. What is happening is the integration of markets, "said" If we analyze from the perspective of management, which is the language they speak, the theory states that the loss of bargaining power is when there is a single client.

They are the ones that encouraged us to have a single client. Now what we have is a powerful multinational force is making a counterweight to America, " added. Definitely l analyst said that initiatives such as the ALBA countries allow modest economies such as Central America, eventually becoming "small powers in areas that are strong, as the president said Chavez." To Taylhardat "That is an organization that has no basis or purpose, beyond the interest of Chavez's government to continue to attract naive or who seek to profit." For President of Ecuador Rafael Correa part of this organization will give benefits to the country, such as having a common approach to international organizations like the World Bank and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). In the future written on this subject, Professor of International Commerce MBA graduate, markets Faces mention the University of Carabobo, comment on the scope, impact, weaknesses, opportunities this creates for Venezuela.

New Technologies

SUMMARY the new technologies had in recent years brought one better assistance to the health, through scientific studies and new treatments, making with that the alive and more better human being. Problems and challenges point with respect to the necessity of if producing advances as for the structural questions. The internal auditorship is the ramification of the accounting that allows to analyze procedures with intention to identify imperfections and deficiencies to consider improvements that can take care of to the expectations of users and managers. This article has as objective generality: to detach the paper of the internal control and the auditorship in the municipal public health. As objective specific: to present the evolution of the auditorship and has controlled intern in the support to the management; to point the importance of the principles of the efficiency and effectiveness in the management in the sector of the health; to identify to relative legislation the public administration in the internal control and auditorship. One is about a bibliographical research with methodology, inductive. Word-key: Internal control Auditorship.

Management of the Services of health. ABSTRACTNew technologies have brought to better health care in recent yearsthrough scientific studies and new treatments, that human beings live to only longer and to better. However the health sector backdiscontent because of the difficulties in effectiveness, since it is exclusive and expensive. Thus, there is need you reverse this situation and seek new management options in the control and evaluation become indispensable. Goal This article has the overall: you highlight the rolls of internal themunicipal control and auditing in public health. Specific objectives: you has determines whethermanagement efficiently and effectively; check the planning, monitoring and evaluation of actions in health services; see if there is an educational rolls, not just inspecting, controlling and punitive.

It is literature with methodology, inductive. Key words: Audit. Internal control. Management. Health services.

Terms Technician

1 Terms Technician used in 1,1 real estate contracts Capital and Interests on the Capital When beginning in seara of the financial mathematics, necessriose makes the understanding of some used terms, amongst which if definecapital, in express direction, as the force that the money is capable of produzirpara to stimulate the economy. In the existing financial relation in the sociedadecontempornea two types of people exist: the ones that possess money and outilizam to effect loans by means of later act of receiving of one> bigger amount. Of the other side they are the people who take this money loaned. Call the money the paid interest, that is, the paid value more in relation to quefoi taken by loan. To this cost, that is express in percentile way, we call tax of interests. In accordance with the Nephew (2000), the tax of interests is compostapor four elements. Click Petra Diamonds to learn more. The first one of them is the risk, that if understands as aprobabilidade of the buyer of the loan not to honor the debit.

The segundoelemento is the operational, contractual expenditures and happened taxes daformalizao of the loan and efetivao of the collection. The inflation terceiroitem is it to compose the tax of interests, which is appraised as the index dedesvalorizao of the purchasing power of the currency foreseen for the stated period of the loan. The profit (or profit) is the room item, and is determined by the owner of the capital emfuno of the privation of its use or other deinvestimentos chances. As Veras (2001), as well as the work is remuneradocom wage, the property through the rent, the art and the culture authorial pelosdireitos, the interests are the remuneration of the capital. 1,2 Capitalizaton Following the sprouting of the commercial bourgeoisie during Average Idade, occurred, also, an ample development of all sciences. Nocampo that deals with the finances had occurred significant changes in the economic cinciascontbeis and, changes these that can be perceived in the diasatuais.

General Services

The So Paulo minimum wage takes care of the 105 occupations that are not contemplated agreements or collective conventions of work, generally functions that support of category unions does not have. The readjustment considered for the governor Jose Mountain range was of 10,89%, making with that the So Paulo minimum wage has a percentile increase for 1 bigger band that national minimum wage that was of 9,68%. The first band (R$ 560,00) takes care of the domestic workers, maids, fishing, messengers, workers of the field (known as diligent farming and forest), continuous, assistant of general services clerical, laundrymen, ascensoristas, motoboys, used not-specialized of the commerce, workers of mines and quarries, or workers of movement and manipulation of merchandises and materials that do not belong the unions. The value of readjustment considered for the second band was of 7,55%, passing of current R$ 530,00 for R$ 570,00. The second band takes care of to the professionals who work as agricultural and forest operators of machines and implementos, machines of the civil construction, mining and to cut and to cultivate wood, mailmen, dyers, professionals of beauty hall and centers of embelezamento as: manicures, pedicures, barbers, others. They also contemplate this category: salesmen, dressmakers, bordadeiras, estofadores, masons, workers of preparation of foods and drinks, manufacture and confection of paper and cardboard, workers of tourism services, workers of protection and personal security guard (that they are not part of regional unions), waiters, collectors of collective transport (that they are not part of regional unions), barmen, painters, plumbers, soldering irons, chapeadores, mounters, ceramists, vidreiros, fiandeiros, teceles, tingidores, jewelers, workers of tanning, clerical silversmith, operators of machines, digitizers, operators of telemarketing, attendants and comissionrios of services of passengers, workers of the energy net electric and telecommunications, masters and foremen, marceneiros, mechanical workers of usinagem of metals, adjusters, mounters of machines, operators of installations of chemical processing and supervisors of production and industrial maintenance.

European Action

European options – an option of the European type possesss a right that could only be exerted in the date of maturity. The options can be of purchase ' ' calls' ' that to give to the bearer the right to buy or of sales ' ' puts' ' that to give to the bearer the right of vender. The purchase options are used in Brazil, over all of the American type and with them the most diverse strategies are mounted, want either as protection, hedge, want either as leverage, want either with intention to acquire the action object, in the case of the active object to be an action. The purchase option to give the right, to its bearer, to buy the action to one definitive price and in and up to one determined date. In this context, thrower, person who receives the prize, is with the obligation of vender the action object, when he will be requested and until the expiration of the option for the agreed price.

It functions, accurately, the inverse one of the action of sales, that we will see after that. The terminology used in the sales and purchase options is the same ones. The representative series of the expirations of the purchase options, as well as the sales options, are represented by letters of our alphabet, starting for the letter ' ' A' ' finishing in the letter ' ' M' ' , each letter, in this sequence, represents the months of the year. being thus, option VALEA46, to read itself: option of purchase, derivative of action VALE5, with expiration in January and strike R$ 46,00, VALEL46, to read itself: option of purchase, derivative of action VALE5, with expiration in December and strike R$ 46,00. In such a way, if we bought one of the options above, would have that to pay the prize and would be buying the right to buy action object, not it obligation, until or in the expiration of the option for R$ 46,00.


In 1973 the first shock of the oil and beginning of the world-wide inflection in the wealth generated in 50 and 60. He is not fcl to trace a parallel in the prosperity of the decades of 60 with the ones of the decade of 90, the world is another one. 5-) I insist, the Capitalism did not finish nor is being I coat. The profit still is the best form to generate wealth, job and income. The market system still is most democratic and free. Interventions of governments? Whenever necessary. Optimum system is what of the result and shows performance, the new economic order is mandatria and real, it wants let us want or not. The current crisis only it precipitates and of the contours of adjustments and changes.

6-) The stock markets are volatile not because of the notice of potential world-wide contraction. The world still will grow 2.5% medium to the year according to diverse forecasts. China still will grow 9% and the emergent others as much. Brazil must be with 3,5% or more. The stock markets still if resent at reliable lack, of adjustment of unreal prices and the moment of instability, natural in the way of the confusion.

7-) The confidence of the population not could follow different way at this moment, the pessimism is total, but the world did not stop, was not the first one and nor will be the last crisis of the economy, either regional or world-wide. The difference is that today, all on one sistemicamente, the information circulate fast and finish placing brakes in diverse activities. Plants do not go to close and to break, as well as occurs with the ones of toy Chinese, is inflection, party to suit after absolute prosperity. The wealth is generated by the global competitiveness, for evolution of the price of the insumos, at last, is part of the ascent, but it remembers that the descending exists on the other hand. It broke a Spanish company of aviation and had said that it was the crisis? Wait there, the aviation sector is in crisis has much time, simply was at this moment that gave its bankruptcy, nothing more. The adjustment initiated in the financial system goes to reach other segments, is natural in the globalizada, hardwired and quick economy, but it is part of a process, not consequence of the crisis that we attend in itself. The economic Cycle, I repeat, is the essence of everything. Nikolai Kondratiev (Russian economist of years 30) showed model of economic cycle varying between 40, 60 years. One remembers again that the speed is one of them pillars of the new order, the 0 variable are others, somebody needs to give adjustments in the mathematical model of Kondrantief. He does not advance to be the light of the forecasts of pessimists or optimists. The things had happened with a previsible logic, the actions are being taken for the authorities. Bretton Woods it could never be repeated, as well as the New Deal. Something, as in the past, is already in course, seemed, improved. The effect until will be there what we see now, still diffidence and room in the businesses. Contraction and inflation must happen, but they will be fast movements, I always repeat, the management tools are others, more modern, more efficient, the allied experience the technology and to the new pillars of the global economy they go to make much people if to surprise. It goes to be registered here.