With this, they get the new knowledge, uniting the theory with the practical one in the classroom, thus exerting, an active paper in its professional process and consequently stimulating its learning to the research, taking them it an analysis becoming them critical. She is necessary to understand that without the theoretical knowledge, it is impossible to have the practical one, therefore one is related to the other. In if treating to research, it must be had in mind that it produces knowledge through concepts and analyses acquired in collections and being thus, produces acquired information of systematic form where, the principle, has as base the theory. The scientific or academic research offers subsidies to the teaching future to become autonomous worker, therefore it is searching that this discovers new abilities, acquires new abilities so that it exerts thus them of practical form in the next future, that is, in the school. In the school, the professor must to assume a estimuladora position, applying works that foment the learning to search, making with that these, since the basic education, have the notion of how much the research is important not only in the day-by-day pertaining to school one, as well as in the day-by-day social one. With this, it is left clearly that the research must be active in the life of each one, therefore is with it that essential knowledge for the life in the scope of the social complexities are acquired. nce with these questions. To if dealing with the applicabilities of the acquired basic knowledge during the research, that is, of the practical one of education in the classroom, if it comes across with the one of that many times the professor does not have time to dedicate itself in the research, therefore many have that to work in up to three turns so that thus they obtain a wage enough to cover its necessities. .
Tag: geography
Pablo Robert
With the use of a language more technique in the confection of the maps, the same ones had passed not to be of easy interpretation for that they are not technician in the area, thus the maps could until being seen for the population, but they would not be passiveis of easy interpretation. From this change the cartography, to many, passed to be considered geographic science next to accurate sciences, therefore it started to use some mathematical resources in the maps and letters. Later to this renewal in the question of the technique, the cartography passed for an ideological renewal and philosophical, this movement of renewal treats regarding the pragmatic question and of the question it criticizes of the cartography. One of the main objectives of this movement of renewal of the cartography is the idea in addition of that the only maps that have importance are the maps technician, a map cannot be considered more important that the other only for the fact to have been confectioned in artisan way and the other to have counted with the aid of information technologies. The cartography if becomes geographic from the moment where it is not only worried about the representation of the physical space, but also with the relation that the man keeps with that space and that the space keeps with the man. The geographic cartography becomes one of the tteis links between geography technique and geography human being, promoting a possibility of study of the relation of the environment with the activity human being. Contemporarily the cartography is divided in cartography technique and cartography politics, being that the union of these two cartografias of the origin the geographic cartography that also treats beyond the area represented in the maps of the relation enter the population and these areas, mainly in the demographic question and cultural politics and, as demographic density, territorial borders and politics, landmark of aboriginal reserves according to its historical and cultural territories, landmarks of areas of permanent protection, beyond the military importance in the landmark of conflict areas.
Currently the maps and letters are important instruments for the work of the gegrafos and several other professionals. The products of the cartography, letters and maps, are if becoming each time more digital with the polarization and the development each more advanced time of the SIGs (systems of geographic information). We believe that the development of the systems of creation of digital maps has represented a very great advance for the cartography mainly in what it says respect the easinesses that the same brought to the field of the creation of topographical letters and thematic maps. Bibliography ANGELS, Rafael Sanzio Arajo of. Cartography & Education.
Brasilia, DF: Maps Publishing company & Consultoria, 2008. LOCH, Ruth Emilia Walnut. Cartography: representation, communication and visualization of space data. 2. ed. rev. Florianpolis, SC: Ed. of UFSC, 2008. FITZ, Pablo Robert. Basic cartography. New ed. So Paulo: Workshop of Texts, 2008. ALMEIDA, Rosngela (Org.). Pertaining to school cartography. So Paulo: Context, 2007.
National States
The globalization as process with economic dimensions, social, cultural, religious and legal politics, is not something new. We can consider its occurrence, exactly that in primary way, with the great navigations it century XV, period of the mercantilista economy that if extends until century XVIII, where happens the disintegration of the feudalismo for the formation of the National States. The national State, or properly said countries, if constituted from the process of industrialization occurred in century XVIII with the industrial revolution, that was the application of changes in the form to produce what before if it based on the artisan one and that started to be industrial. A way to extend production for commercialization, greater speed in the process of transformation of the substance cousin in consumption product favored the expansion of the industry that if perfected in century XIX, where had beginning the second industrial revolution with the electricity, the railroad transport, telegraph and the engine the combustion. Century XX the fusing of science with the production has as landmark, new technological processes will be applied in the industrial production, increasing the profits and expanding it offers, this will be the third industrial revolution.
Who exists believes one fourth industrial revolution that would be the use of the robotics and of the computers that will be used since the extration of the substance cousin, passing for the transformation until the distribution and commercialization of what it was produced, it would be the end of the human work in result of the use you scheme of them. Until it is here clearly that the globalization is a process that walks with the humanity since century XV. It has who believes that the globalization initiated well before this, arguing that its origin is in the onslaughts of Alexander III of the Macedonian, said Great or the Great one, (356 B.C.
They are some areas of the city that already had been taken by these great plantations. Of ownership of these information, is noticed that the ground is predominantly arenaceous, characterizing itself for the high friabilidade and, consequentemente, a well developed erosive susceptibilidade. RECITAL TERICA-METODOLGICA the research presented here searched in the inductive method of inquiry, which part of the acceptance as starting point of a particular case and for, later, formulating a statement general: the empirismo has for origin the search of overcoming of the theoretical speculation. In the place of it, it is placed empirical comment, the experimental test, the quantitative mensurao as criteria of what it would be or not scientific (DEMON, 1985, P. 102).
Author according to cited, the basic method of the empirismo is described as of the induction, that he means to accept the generalization after to only have evidenced the concrete cases. The empirical or inductive studies allow to quantify the loss of ground in determined place; they are about experimental studies that aim at to monitor the phenomenon, quantifying it. The Technique of the Bolts of Erosion is one old technique and still very used, was proposal for Of Ploey and Gabriels (1980), cited for War (2005, P. 34), that it consists of: to choose a hillside (of preference without vegetal covering) and to cravar in the ground the numbered bolts (that they can be of vergalho or pregos). Everything must be located in a diagram, to know its space distribution accurately. The monitoramento of the erosion bolts consists of coming back to the study area (of preference after each significant rainy event) and measuring how much the bolt is being displayed in relation to the ground (the measures can be made in millimeters). These bolts must be embedded in the ground the 10 centimeters or more, of preference in hillsides where it does not have ticket of animals and people, or then, the area must be surrounded so that it does not have no type of disturbance.
She seems to have the expectation, in the empresariado one, of that the reduction of the socket of knowledge technician on Africa occurs by means of previous planning and communication channels with investing potentials. Such measures, associates the development politics, offer, in the medium and in long stated period, propitious conditions for the reinforcement of the commercial relations Brazil-Africa, being basic it Brazil to carry through investments in the African economy, in accordance with report of the World Bank, must grow 6.3% in 2010, that is, above of the goal traced for Brazil, that varies of 4% 5%. Currently, companies of the infrastructure sector and mining are in negotiation contracts involving, the ones that suggest a probable increase in the interchange of merchandises, as well as for the intensification of flow of foreign investments right-handers in direction to Africa. This will be able to not only benefit companies whom they opt to if installing in the territory, but also exporting Brazilians, whom they had attended, in last the seven years, to the triplicao of the number of remittances for the African continent. However, Africa is a continent that is leaving to be in the esquecimento for the globalizada economy, that lived to the edge of the multipolar world, and today, in a world marked for the North American hegemony and for the neoliberal speech, Africa inaugurates one third politician-economic model that, exceeding the socializante nationalism and the projects of liberal democracy of capitalist base, fundiu the authoritarianism with economic liberalism and the integration of the continent in the globalization. .