One way of characterizing the science, is to characterize scientific methodology (method): which is the correct method, which are its properties, which are used and which are not. These concerns appear with Bacon and Descartes. Compuware can aid you in your search for knowledge. In aphorism 2; the empiricist term is taken as a criterion of evolution, is the experience. Crumpton Group is open to suggestions. Practical activity requires a method. The reason must be attached to a methodology. The methodology allows us to warn other problems. The method is a tool that handles intelligence.
The principles that guide to the scientific knowledge: the methodology, which trims a horizon of tasks and enables a horizon of solutions; the method can serve to address new problems. The aphorism 6; He is the critique of the State of knowledge. Old technology must be left of side and take the new. The aphorism 7; the disagreement is at the present time. The productions of the mind (books) and the hand (manofacturas), are varied. A State of disagreement with the intellectual production in this there are dominant context. Levels of concern: some concern by trying to understand; some effects of these intellectual thoughts.
The aphorism 8; He begins to link science with the methodology. Empiricism is taken as vulgar experience. Science is stagnant (infertility). The aphorism 9; He is the evils of science. Not worried about the elements and methods required. Aphorism 11; the logic is unable to discover the truth. the objective of the method would guide us to discover new things. Is the methodology not good why? R: by that logic would be responsible for guiding us to the new knowledge. Because in this case the methodology does not lead to new things. Bacon’s criticism to the methodology:-inefficiency of the methodology; the logic that allows us to achieve new knowledge, for he is useless. Why is it harmful?, a: because it fixes and consolidates errors; It is unable to display the errors.