Ulrike Wagner

Because it is just human nature increasing also its claims with increasing prosperity, the emerging world’s industrialized production of his food – necessitated natural as well as purely synthetic – many policies and regulations of the legislature. And over the years this extremely rapid development is emerging now, that the products adopted by the consumer again and again probably not without consequences – be products that must be as affordable and always available, that is flavorful and visually appealing and must be always easier to handle in the preparation! And who is now in this consumer-based, bumping now but unmistakably to their limits global Economic culture hold wishing with all of the variables that need to constraints and dependencies (for producers and consumers), must can then ultimately also live with the side effects or may not again be outraged, legal about the are necessarily worthy of condemnation, but certainly not preventable mass machinations of individual – as through the not always so obvious application”tricks and gimmicks, are without the high demands of the modern products and the associated food law requirements difficult to meet. An awareness of this, inevitably increasingly complex linkages is extremely helpful to move in line with today’s conditions, with the findings from the book featured 12-15 March 2009 in Leipzig (Halle 4 / stand B 300-400), the personal consequences. The title is: only friendly diet is healthy diet – ISBN 978-3-00-023363-0 the biochemical processes between our – interdependent – metabolic organs are namely since Adam and Eve”virtually unchanged. And the availability of a still barely manageable product range resulting in only a few decades ago now means a radical change. The consequences of this far too rapid development draw now from the continuously increasing number of ever younger chronically affected.

The now very popular, but rather misleading term “Acidification” for the actually “creeping” demineralisation stands against this background in naturopathic oriented medicine – indeed, a (real) acidification in the literal sense with life would be never compatible. The “creeping” demineralisation, however, is a completely natural, based on wear process that simply part of growing older. But the diminished appreciation of intergenerational proven nutrition knowledge, with the total loss to feared ultimately Basic knowledge, the basis for the most incredible misinterpretations and misunderstandings, and in addition to the dissemination of half-truths even the basis for targeted misleading today. Unconsciously the sum of always available and actually “healthy” natural content and additives will then make sure that we still our (intra -, extra cellular) minerals essential neutralising acting increasingly deprived this fatally in increasingly younger years. Our waters, fields and forests are demonstrably affected by an excess of acid. And also the man, as the actual cause of this disastrous development, will not be spared here. So far, experience has shown that the individual concerned for themselves must take the initiative with reason or common sense against the increase in the earlier always noticeable slagging. Although we actually use our hygienic achievements such as clean water, modern refrigeration for perishable and Sewage disposal and modern heating technology the ideal conditions had created for a possible long and healthy life!

Health Networks

More power at the physician network Spessart EC of Chairman Dr. Norbert Staab reported about the successful project internal network dates”more members. Thus, a better service and quicker appointments at the specialist provided the patients within the network. The project also contributes to the binding cooperation between House and medical specialists”the ENT specialist Staab said. The members agree that the medical care of main-Kinzig-Kreis in the future can be achieved only in close cooperation of all the medical care in the District of involved. Particular problems are the growing doctor shortage, but increasingly also the lack of specialist in this context. Thus, patients have some difficulties to find even a general practitioner already in some places. It is also increasingly difficult for patients to get appointments with medical specialists in a timely manner.

We are intensively and successfully addressed these problems “Dr. Ulrich Dehmer due to bad ORB. By learning about the doctors in the Circle one another, trust is created across the disciplines. This in turn facilitates the daily work. We expect a further increase interest of colleagues to join our network. Especially because increasing the daily work, and some hardly space for other activities can be, do we need a local medical community of interest, the two Board members Dr. Eberhard Wetzel and Dr.

Ulrich Dehmer declared compliant. In addition, the interests of participating doctors can be better represented than would be possible alone in a strong community. In a next step, the doctor network about the own professional group want to cooperate, more with other professions, such as maintaining or therapists. We must ourselves more interdisciplinary on and be active beyond the traditional sector boundaries,”emphasizes Edmund Frohlich, who is charged with his consulting company cheerful Management GmbH (www.froehlich-management.de) with the management of the network. Only in this way can in the next few years, demographic change in health care in the country be mastered. These also are the conditions, to obtain a financial support from the outside, unless by the physicians Association (KV) or the public sector. The successful training for aspiring general practitioners, which was established together with the district hospitals and the House Medical Association and where more than ten young doctors and doctors have found their way into the district is at the core of the reflections. You can also connect on the analyses and proposals of the action programme for the municipal services of general interest (MORO), which Edmund Frohlich for the physician network has regional actively participated in Spessart. (www.spessartregional.de) health networks are not ends in themselves, but they are designed to provide an added value”looks in the future, and for service providers, the cost objects and in particular for the quality of the network manager Edmund Frohlich Supply of citizens and citizens”.

Heavenly Realms Through

Natural lighting elements facilitate cancer patients treatment round 450,000 people get estimated that in Germany every year new cancer. In about half of all cases, the tumor cannot be fought by radiotherapy. In the quartier 21 of the radiology Alliance Hamburg cancer patients a professional treatment thanks to modern therapeutic procedure: the linear accelerator Varian Clinac DHX medical system ensures a fast and precise radiation, which is tailored to the individual clinical picture of the patient. Benign conditions can be treated successfully. The therapy is complemented by detailed reproduction of a celestial body: Watch the patients during their treatment no longer on a gray ceiling, but in a bright blue sky. The windowless treatment room is thus significantly brighter and bigger.

Dr. Giro, specialist in radiation therapy, is convinced of the advantages of this innovative lighting installation: “our patients appreciate our virtual Very heaven! Very pleasant I think this establishes a deceptively real looking sky illusion in our treatment room.” The relaxing and stress reducing effect on patients facilitates the treatment often perceived onerous. While the use of co-ordinated lights and colours has a positive impact on the well-being of patients. For this reason, throughout the world hundreds of medical facilities use the unique natural views of the sky factory. In addition, the virtual roof window (SkyCeilingsTM) meet the specific requirements in the Radiology: they are toxin-free, radiation-resistant and compatible with high-frequency environment. Radiology Alliance Hamburg-radiological Alliance offers modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the fields of Radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. It was founded in 2009 by three renowned radiological trade practices.

The radiology Alliance has become one of 10 locations in Hamburg. Via the sky factory, the sky factory products are based on digital images and connect the aesthetics inspired by nature with advanced image technology. The company was founded in 2002 with headquarters in Iowa and is represented in over 50 countries worldwide since then. The German headquarters in Hannover, Germany is turning and focal point of customer care for the countries Germany, Austria and the Switzerland. In addition to the SkyCeilingsTM, which installs as a virtual skylight on the ceiling, wall-mounted virtual WindowsTM the product portfolio.