Internal Dialogue

It has heights where feels as if it was to make has boycotted to the success? As soon as it starts to define goals for itself exactly, suddenly appear painful thoughts to it of that one does not meet to the height of the task, or that simply it does not have abilities or qualifications enough to develop? When it defines goals for proper itself, it is felt enthusiastic but this initial enthusiasm later is substituted by thoughts of doubt and auto-defeat that refreiam its impulse immediately to walk in the direco of these goals? If it identifies with some of the related situations, needs to change the way to answer to its internal dialogue. It needs to oppose the negatividade and to surpass the thoughts that provoke it anxiety. Of fact, it is not easy to reach objectivos in the life when one is constantly auto-to sabotage the success with loss of heart thoughts and frustration. Many of us, in the truth, not even we perceive that we have these thoughts. Get more background information with materials from Atmos Energy. Everything what we know is that we do not have the confidence necessary to keep our plans and to reach our objectivos.

To keep positive an internal dialogue is an efficient form to define goals and to guarantee the success. The form as this functions is the following one: It decides that objectivos they are of fact important for itself. Follow others, such as Is Sola Granola Keto?, and add to your knowledge base. It establishes a plan of as it goes to reach these objectivos. When the doubts if to install, answer with affirmations that come its success without if delivering to the negative pressure. Affirmations of the type are required: ' ' I am capable to make that the one that me proponho' ' ' ' I deserve sucesso' ' ' ' Each day that passes I feel more capaz' ' ' ' I walk in the direco of mine metas' ' A time that is to read this article, is clearly that an one is not desisting much less failed, therefore starts since already believing proper itself.

Learning Platform

You believe that the focus in the customer is optimum way to increase the volume of sales? Considers itself a professional focado in the customer? Therefore he knows that many professionals of sales think that they are focados in the customer, when in the truth they are focados in activities as to know the product or to develop technique capable to convince the customer to buy. To be focado in the customer means to be 100% available one to help it to find it optimum way to obtain what as much desires. However, the truth is that good part of that they work with sales is not focado in itself exactly of what in the customer. To be focado in the customer she is necessary to search, in order to identify to the interest and behavior of the consumer. To act with focus in the customer, it is necessary to use the data gotten in the research to create solutions gain-earns and not to try to impress or to pressure the customer to act its interest in accordance with. Already the professional of sales focado in itself exactly can, for example, open a colloquy with the customer of the following form: ‘ ‘ I have information of that its company, probably, it is losing money because of the inefficiency of the control of supplies. Lack of severity in the controls, especially at critical moments of the industry or the economy, as the ones that we are living deeply, will be able to cause great damages for the organizations.

However, you could be free of these risks using the software of supply management that we have for it oferecer’ ‘. On the other hand, the professionals of sales focados in the customer would use the data of the research for a more productive boarding, as the following one: ‘ ‘ He is of our agreement that all the industry has the challenge to surpass the problems of fall of the economy and, over all, to coexist the enormous difficulties of control of the supplies. I come to its meeting, to know as you face these challenges and as they will influence the management of its organizao’ ‘. Of course, you perceive the difference, are not same? In the first boarding the agent of sales, focado in the benefits of the sales for itself, uses to advantage the result of the research to make an impression customer with its level of knowledge on the subject and to try to make with that it buys its product. Already in the second boarding the professional of sales, focado in the customer, appeals to the research of appropriate form and she does not leave yourself to lead for the vanity of the fondness to know more, to try to make the sales. On the contrary of this, he helped the customer to identify the best solution. Who you find that she will enchant the customer? Probably, second hand he is not same? After all of accounts, while he will have disposal to take care of well, he will have hope to be successful.

The Employees

On the other hand, the responsible people for the RH need to line up it organization in terms of its objectives, its mission, vision and processes, only thus, will have conditions to consider benefits and system of strategical remuneration. Already he is proven that the remuneration is the connector link between the employees and the organization. The company who decides for the implantation of a system of transparent remuneration and that she involves all the employees of all the hierarchic levels, cause a phenomenon of positive reaction, that one into which the speed of the objectives if transforms into reality through an accelerating motivation of the processes. This reaction is only reached when the people if feel recognized for its mritos and not for disloyal protectionism. In accordance with that the remuneration system, lines up the strategies of the company, is multiplied and if the interests of both are harmonized the sides, helping to generate the waited results. The balance between the strategical remuneration and people, will only be reached when its payment if to give of real form, remunerating the people in accordance with its results. In recent years, diverse models of strategical remuneration had been introduced in the companies with the purpose of if finding forms in accordance with creative the necessities of each organization. All the models with the intention to create a bond between the employees and the organization.

It is important that the system of strategical remuneration is related with the changes that the organization is passing so that it has a preparation for the new times. The lack of preparation for the future can compromise all as well as the organization the stability of the employees. The implantation of a system of necessary strategical remuneration to take in accounts the diverse abilities, external interns and, if not forgetting them pressures it market in general, what it implies in competitiveness, reorganization, downsizing, merger and acquisitions.

Northeast Region

In the domiciles that possess superior income the ten minimum wages, the index is of only 1.4%, while in the families that possess inferior income to a minimum wage the index reaches 29%. In the Northeast Region the contrast is still bigger. In the domiciles with income until a minimum wage the index is of about 37%, and in the families with income above of ten minimum wages the illiteracy it is of 1,8% of the population of fifteen years or more. The illiteracy reaches people of all the etrias bands, with different intensities. In the ten band the nineteen years, 7.4% of the population are of illiterates. ' ' While the illiterates in the more advanced etrias bands had been created by the educational system of decades behind, the illiterates youngest must have been alfabetizados throughout the last years, thus showing the current situation of basic education in our Pas' ' , he affirms Otaviano Helene, president of the INEP. The biggest concentration of illiterates is in the population of sixty years or more, where 34% of the people do not know to read and to write.

The report defends specific strategies directed toward each etrio segment. ' ' What the works in the area show is that the recm-alfabetizados pupils must immediately be directed it regular education, to prevent one of the characteristics most common in programs of alfabetizao in mass: the return to the condition of illiterate in short term of tempo.' ' In the Brazilian agricultural way, the illiteracy tax is three times superior to the one of the urban population: 28.7% and 9.5%, respectively. The regional contrasts sufficiently are accented, when the situation in the field is compared. North-eastern, the index is of 40,7%, reaching 49.2% in the State of the Piau. The best situation is in the South Region, with 11,9% of illiterates in the agricultural area.

Interview Techniques

If you are the interviewer, before initiating an interview you are indispensable to organize a script? a planning of the interview? for this you must prepare yourself. A good interviewer must possess a good general culture, a reasoning fast a perception sharpened on the human behavior. During the interview, the negative influences must be eliminated all as any types of cultural, social preconceptions, of sex, color, etc. Close the personal problems, the particular antipatias, opinions, the judgments without real recital or the fears and the pressures also must be left of are of the interview. To program an interview adequately, the interviewer must know the data on the interviewed one, to know accurately what he expects of it and what the company wants to get of the interview. Being thus, so that the interview has the waited effect, the interviewed one will need to be left to the will, therefore most of the time, it is in tension state. In an interview, the interviewer will have, first, to investigate the appearance of the candidate? to know if it is adjusted to the profile demanded for the organization? will have to also observe its corporal position, its habits, if it possesss some vice, if he uses some type of drink, he drugs or other not healthful habits. At as a moment, the interviewer must investigate as was the previous work of the candidate? in order to try to know as it will be its behavior in the organization? its degree of escolaridade? to know if it is compatible with the requirement of the position? its abilities, its familiar life, its social life? in order to perceive as if it relates in team? its current health (and previous)? in order to perceive if the candidate it can work under pressure. After this, the interviewer will have to investigate on the last life of the interviewed one? in order to trace a profile on its personality? its honesty and if it has trends to the lies.